We have just kicked all the inactives (24 people): If you are going to be active again, just contact us and we'll reinvite you. Kthxbye. <3 #NickBestPeopleManager
Added a small application format. If you want to join and don't know many Wings members, you should post your application here. Also changed Helen's quote.
Name: Kyle In-game name: FlimsySword Age & Ethnicity: 16 & white Location / Timezone: EST, Florida Why do you want to join Wings?: Looking for a guild to join as I recently joined last night. Do you have any friends or have you met some people from Wings?: Nope, just joined the server. How did you find us?: In the guild section of the forums What do you do mostly (e.g. bossing, PQing, grinding, slacking)?: All of the above Tell us a little bit about yourself! Feel free to include pictures! I'm in my Sr year of high school and like to play video games, watch TV, browse the internet, and been playing Maplestory(GMS) since v5x and still play today in Bera.
I'm afraid we cannot accept your application at the time, and you can therefore not join Wings. Feel free to try again later. Deleted Timmy from the list of Juniors after his permanent ban.
Timmy, I hate you. You won't get your Junior position back, by the way... It wasn't a funny joke. ._.
Not the first troll joke he pulled off... Still not giving his Junior position back, and I won't change that decision in the foreseeable future... Also tired of all those troll kicks/reinvites.
Thought I'd give out a reminder of this (with all the spam on this thread as of late)... Don't want it to be forgotten. c: