Well, re-made a thing. For fun and to re-establish my wasting front end web skills (I'm a back end developer by profession) so I re-did the MapleRoyals website with Bootstrap & LAMP!...And eventually Angular and Zend. You can try it out and register if you want. Feel free to make suggestions. The basic functionality is there but I work on it a bit every day and deploy a revision to my DevOps VPS usually every night. If you want to contribute, you can. Disclaimer: The connection is not over HTTPS so for the love of god don't use your actual account info if you want to play with the site. The site is hosted completely independently and has absolutely no connection to the real MapleRoyals. Some of the data is static or randomly generated in place of an actual database connection. mapleroyals.xyz Some Features It's faster! Voting Reminders E-bay like auction system (http://mapleroyals.xyz/?p=market) Searchable and sortable rankings and auctions page Character images, updated every 6 hours Responsive Bootstrap & AJAX so it works well on tablets (mobile coming later) Mailing system to send messages to and from characters while not in game, would also work in game in theory. Ticket support system for both in game and online Hardened encryption, session spoofing, and XSS protection "Remember me" functions Character information viewing TODO: Fix some little formatting things Needs more Angular Fix AJAX queries Website character inventory interaction and viewing Totally Unrelated Dev Application Not looking for glory. I just like programming and need to practice some of my skill sets. My front end skills are lower than I would like. If you want the source or want to participate, hit me up. I'll keep doing this whether it gets implemented or not. Will release source code when done. Currently at 8,000 lines of code.
yay more updates Searchable rankings page working even though it is kinda ugly and probably really likely to break since I did no QA testing. Characters are semi broken for now... probably because they don't have skins. Added some GM tools. Character generator doesn't work on the .xyz site because linux isn't happy about how i set it up on my windows machine and I can't be bothered to fix it tonight. TODO: Fix some colors and formatting, nothing matches and its fugly. Finish market and add inventory lists w/ item stats to characters. Screen shot from localhost: Spoiler
oh look another update Finished the market, aside from some minor bugs. Just need to make things less ugly overall. Bootstrap can only take us so far. Layout is semi-responsive right now, some weird alignment issues if the screen gets squished. Didn't upload it to http://mapleroyals.xyz yet because QA testing hasn't been done and the character image generator isn't cooperating with the version of PHP I have on my VPS.
Yeah that's the one! This would be great to use instead of the selling section on the forum. Just going straight to the items you're looking for.
There's a system planned for later where you will be able to click an item and sell it on the website as soon as you obtain it in game or find a similar item to purchase. It's going to be a time consuming sub project to find an efficient way to display and organize the items and their information. It's a system still in progress but here's a sneak peak (it's supposed to look like shit, for now): Spoiler