Hey guys! So as a low dex warrior I'm always having to calculate the accuracy I need to hit different mobs and my hit percentage based on that info. So I created a basic excel spreadsheet, where you enter your level, your accuracy, the mob's level, and the mob's avoid (found on bbb.hidden-street.net) and enter the info in. It outputs the accuracy required to 100% hit and your hit percentage. Hope this helps, its real simple but I thought it would make things easier. The accuracy required and hit percentage is based on formulas from pre-big bang. Hopefully everyone has excel, if you don't have Excel and would still like to use this let me know and I'll make a google doc Or if the GMs want I can make a PHP script for the main site.
Alternatively you can go here: Maplestory Accuracy Calculator Easy to use, has most if not all mobs in a built in database and gives more info on % chance to hit. I take no credit.