Hello everyone~ My name is Céleste and I'm relatively new to the MapleRoyals scene! I've been playing Maplestory since 2005, hence why I decided to dabble in a good old fashioned v.62 server... And quite frankly? I'm loving the experience thus far. For the most part I'm a woman that's very kept to herself and as a result, I've yet to make a single friend throughout this experience! That's why I'm writing this brief introduction about myself! I'm eighteen years old, soon to be nineteen, and live in Canada! I speak both French and English (French being my mother tongue) and overall I'm a very affectionate person. My favourite colour is purple, my favourite animals are cats, rabbits and chinchillas... And that's it for the most part! (Sorry I'm so boring, I swear I can be more interesting. qwq) Nevertheless, thank you so very much for taking the time to read this mediocre introduction on my part. I'm looking forward to potentially hearing from a few of you! My IGN is Mynaleth for anyone who's interested.. And yeah! Take utmost care of yourselves, ciao~ Céleste
Hello fellow Canadian ~F2 Welcome to MapleRoyals! My IGN is ishJJx3, I'll send you a friend request ^_^ see you online!
Welcome aboard! Glad to have you joining us. Also Canadian! HIGH FIVE. Feel free to hit me up in-game and I'll help you out where I can! IGN: IceBadger
Thank you, Ice! And so many Canadians, it's booty-ful! <3 In either case, I've added you. Thanks again and looking forward to chatting with you!
there's plenty of friendly people here, especially in game. if you randomly start a convo in ch 1 hene i'm sure you'll make a few friends right off the bat welcome to royals!
Hey Cass! Sounds a lot like good old MS way back when so I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you so much! :3 Hello Ranningan~ Thank you very much as well! <3