Character Name: fgbxcx Last thing you didlaying strange Why do you think you got banned?:VPN Ban message when attempting to log in:Your account has been permanently banned for serious violation of the rules.Therefore you will beunable to use this account What GM banned you (optional):No, l have no idea
what do you mean with: last thing you did: playing strange? your character got banned for mob vac hacks, not VPN usage that connected you to someone else
Yes, my girlfriend in another city school, she opened my number with her own. However, we did not violate the rules of the game. Excuse me, what is the reason I was sealed?
Sorry, I don't know what the reason is, but the day before the title of the two of us have been on, so I'm not sure my reason is her.
feel free to explain your situation in chinese if that helps you, we dont quite understand what you meant with:
not knowing the rules that you agreed with upon account creation is no excuse, there is no second chance for you