IGN: LuckySe7en Last thing you did: Just playing maple at a friends house (basically just in kerning city) Why do you think you got banned?: I don't know Ban message when attempting to log in: ID has been blocked What GM banned you (optional): I don't know ty
That's my friends ign. He also had a character named liger i think it was that got banned because he changed his ip. Edit: Yes it is liger Also may I ask why the right side is blocked out?
That's what my scroll lock key does, unfortunately, when I take screenshots. The only thing it blocks out is a few buttons on the UI, it doesn't actually hide anything that might be of possible importance.
Basically yes. According to him he wanted to talk to his friends there but this whole thing has nothing to do with me so I think it is unfair. I think if I do get unbanned he does as well so if you don't unban me I do understand. But i'll still feel like it's unfair to me. edit: If it is that way can't I be unbanned and then if he logs into his account you can just perm ban again. Pretty sure he won't login again if he knows if he does i'll be banned too.
Well it has something to do with you since the character got your account banned? Why was he using your internet or your computer?
Our parents are really close so it's like we are family. We go over there all the time and live on the same street so there is frequent internet sharing and laptop/computer sharing often. Just to expand in more detail, we don't live in an urban neighborhood and for that reason we have a Neighborhood Internet Service Provider so sometimes, people will be connected to the NISP and sometimes their own personal ISP but more people use the NISP because it saves money or don't have an ISP. Lol I think i just made it more confusing..
From what our database is showing, you were using the same computers and therefore, your account will remain banned as well.
ofc I just said that. We have shared internet and computers. Damn that sucks. Bye to all the 2 people I met in this server before getting banned banana this means war.