Hello friends. After reaching almost level 140 with my Corsair I realized I won't do much else other than Zak and Krex. Whilst I do a lot of DPS I'm very reliant on my ship but sometimes it's impossible to keep it up until you're at a higher level, such as in Zak3 when he goes on his non-stop 1/1s. Regardless, it seems with no HP washing at all there's nothing much else for me to do with this character since I won't be HTing with him at all. I decided that if I'm reopening a character it's not going to be a Corsair but rather a Night Lord since I have never played it and he has the second highest DPS and probably highest because he's not affected too much by dropping pillars and 1/1s and whatnot since he has avoidability and no realiance on a ship or anything else. The only issue I can foresee is boredom during runs but I don't think that's going to be an issue, sometimes more chill boss runs are cool by me lol. Anyway, I was wondering how much HP should I wash to? I read this guide and it says: 1) 5,600 HP by Level 155 (To survive Horntail – dependant on HB) 2) 7,600 HP by Level 155 (To survive Horntail – does not require HB) 3) 11,500 HP by Level 175 (To survive Pink Bean* – dependant on HB) 4) 18,750 HP by Level 175 (To survive Pink Bean* – does not require HB, and reaches 30,000 HP with HB) Now, what is the likeliness of PB coming out? I've seen people speaking about it for over a year now. 7.6k HP is maybe the limit, shouldn't I allow for extra margin for error? Perhaps 9k? What is the standard HP goal people aim for when they open their Night Lords? And additionally please provide an explanation of how much INT I should have at what level ranges and when should I begin washing as well please. I understand that HP washing on a NL should be done with level up APs since he benefits most from this, rather than adding HP and just removing MP and adding HP constantly until you reach your goal like you do to Corsairs. If so, the HP washing is done over 20 levels or so (based on how much you're washing), correct? It's not all done at once, is what I mean. Thanks in advance guys!
Even if PB comes out, it won't be until after the new source. It probably will be nerfed to some degree as well (don't quote me on this). As for HT, ideally you want to have 9.1k. Yes, you can do it at 7.6k, but during sed it can get pretty risky and this way you don't have to worry about falling off and accidentally hitting the wings or something. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/hp-washing-for-new-players.41129/ This goes into depth on how to get 9k by 155 and equips as well.
I have written on the steps how I managed to reach 9k clean HP for my NL . Hope it may help you! Feel free to ask questions
So basically pump like 100-110 INT all the way from the beginning (until I hit 100-110 or total of 170-190) and start washing at 30-40 so I can get enough HP for Zak with HB. Then continue to wash at 70? Or when do you actually wash and between what levels do you need this int?
Correct! You will need 170-190 INT before level 50. Yes, you can start washing 70. Since you will need to pump 203 times of LVLUP AP into your HP pool, you can actually wash when u reach lv110. But I would suggest earlier than 110 because 1. I forgot to wash when I level up 2. More HP in Lvl 100+ for bosses will be always nice.
Kinda confused because i want to zak at lvl 50 on my soon to come sin but should i hp wash early 40-50 or just wait to zak after lvl 70 where i actually start to hp wash?
You should HP wash by putting as much AP into int as soon as possible, if you screw up somewhere along the way or start washing late, you can also double wash by putting signing RAW AP into MP, then use a AP reset to take that out and put it into your preferred stat. This will give you like 8? extra MP per MP wash, which I'm pretty sure you can then wash into HP at the same rate.