I think oblivion is the reason that makes I/L better than F/P. Also chain lightning hits multiple parts of bosses such as zakum and horntail where as para doesn't
Bossing is not a relevant topic when it comes to arch mages F/p can 1 shot things faster than I/L. That's pretty much all that arch mages are for.
Pirates & Shadowers the two classes i've enjoyed or had plans to enjoy, you shouldn't really go by what is the strongest class and just play whatever you enjoy playing really, you'll last much longer and you'll have more fun in doing so aswell.. I loved to play classes that are looked down upon, just for that extra satisfaction when you do it right =P Pirates dont really benefit from good gear on 1/2/3rd classes, but 4th class is where they shine Shadowers I guess lacking in every way {?}, but most fun and nostalgic class for me just my .2 cents
But like i said i/l can do oblivion and f/p cant overall i think that makes i/l better atm imo. True i was but i was kinda thinking in terms of overall damage. Kind of irrelevant but whatever.
F/P Can't O4 while I/L can, which makes the exp/hour faster in higher level when you can 2 shot oblivion4 mobs ( of course with a partner & buffs ), but still. it also gives icemages more late-game contect compared to firemage whose stuck in petris for life.
As a player who has a 18x I/L mage and a nearly 17x F/P mage I don't quite agree with what you say here. The only petris my F/P has ever killed were during mist training in 3rd job and for the Krexel pre-quest later on. After that my F/P mage has always been grinding at RoR3 and RoR4 which gives more exp and mesos per hour than petris ever will, and funnily enough can also be 100% 1 hit way earlier! With that said I'm also not sure if 2 hitting Oblivion 4 is a lot better than 1 hitting RoR4, maybe slightly exp wise if even but meso wise you will lose out on a lot.
I'm sure it is Paladin, which my main is. Though I am not sure about the claim about them being inferior when it comes to training; Advanced Charge does a total of 2100% damage (350% to 6 enemies), while Brandish only does a total of 1560% (520% to 3 enemies). Paladins are at the very least on-par when it comes to mobbing in a training session, and if there's an elemental weakness, then they're way beyond Hero's in training. And even moreso if they fixed the goddang Heaven's Hammer to do what it's supposed to! :0 Paladins are inferior in most boss fights though, I can say that.
Grinding- nl without se & sairs Bossing- mages & pally (lol). The only reason you make a mage is to make money, and the only reason to make a pally is to be hip af.
I guess one of the perks of playing a relatively weaker class in the eyes of the community is cheaper gear and scrolls, which is a huge plus for unfunded players (like me). For the record, I am making a Marksman + Paladin lol.. Conversely however, finding good gear (player-made) might be difficult as the class populations are so small.