If that was serious, then... No, it'll be as unstable as ever. ME damage is quite unstable, with 5k bags you can do 5x 45k or 5x 60k, but it averages out at 50 normally.
I'm such a noob, how do I use Meso Explosion the best way? With Pickpocket or dropping mesos from my inventory myself? I also want to point out that I THINK Shield Mastery gives a 100% boost of your total DEF, not only the DEF on the shield, which makes it more useful. If I'm right here I think it's better to max Pickpocket and Shield Mastery instead of maxing Chakra and putting 11 into Pickpocket.
About Shield Mastery, I will post screenshots to prove you wrong in a sec. About bombing; don't use Pickpocket mesos, the amounts are low. Drop them yourselves when killing HH/BF or any other boss, 5k per bag is considered most balanced (drop in Dark Sight). HH with max ME costs ~700-800K, BF with max ME costs ~7M.
Is there any way to drop mesos faster or some technique? Like, what should I do when I wanna mob with Meso Explosion?
1) Turn off Meso Magnet and bomb the dropped mesos. 2) Techniques will be explained; Use Mouse Keys (google that) if you use Windows. I will explain legal ways of macro'ing.
Oh welp. Let me log on now. I was actually stupid enough to add Shield Mastery on Linyah... Learnt from that. Will edit this in minute or two. Edit: The description says Shield def. +100%. To further prove it... Now, I have a D.Khanjar with 6 W.Defense. I had 382 W.DEF. with Khanjar. After I unequipped it...
I'm currently uploading a video of me bombing BF the non-pinning way; I can't pin on MapleRoyals due to my lack of HP washing (You need to be able to survive body touch damage of max. 6k with Meso Guard), and am waiting for permission to upload one that I recorded on another server where I actually can pin it successfully without washing (this could be considered advertisement for said server... :/). Will add it tomorrow.
Will come, dw! I also did calculations and tested: I can't make a video of BF pinning sadly. I didn't wash, and it didn't work quite as well on the other server. Maybe a HP washed shadower can help me out? c:
It's actually amazing how long it took me to understand speed bombing. Really useful information, keep it up!
Yeah, the speed bombing concept is complicated, it took me a while to fully figure it out. Then I had to do the math... Now I know how strong Meso Explosion is. it's s complex system, though. I have been busy this week; I hope I can work on my guide soon. c:
Updated with the 5 and a half pages I wrote while I had no wifi. Now, I know it's a lot of text right now; I'm focusing on content right now, and will do the visual enhancements once I'm done with all the relevant content!
The original NPC name is Porter. I wasted 30 mins on my quest just to find this guy. BTW, the tower is in Omega Sector, near Silo.
Really? I don't recall any mistakes found while I did the quest (mistakes in my own source). Will update.