I have a chair I don't really like [Bigwigs Chair], and my friend does want it. It's from the ongoing event. It's not something I like using, but I know he wants to add it to his collection. In the future, is there any way a system can be implemented that would allow me to give him my chair? A way to do this right now would also be neat. Thanks. Sorry if this is in the wrong section btw
There is not a way to trade untradable items. Else there would be no reason for them to be called untradable. The tradability of these chairs has not been set by the staff themselves, but I see no reason to make any changes to it. It helps to keep things rare or exclusive. If your friend wants this chair he will need to simply hunt for it himself.
Actually, within the sub properties of and item in the .wz files, there is a value where you can set an item to be tradeable or untradeable. But I am not going take the time to change the property of the item.
It would not be nice to have scissors of karma... That is one of the things (in my opinion) that I loved about this version... How people are unable to sell things like zakum helmets in the FM and have to actually join runs to obtain one. It makes the game a lot more challenging and fun.
This is true. SoK ruins a big part of MapleStory. On topic: The chairs aren't too difficult to farm, so your friend shouldn't have a very hard time getting it. Also it's probably best for the economy if not all the dropping chairs are tradable. That would shake things up quite a bit.
Don't give all of the goods to the donators, keep them to have untradeable cash gear as they already do, don't give out items that'd influence the way our economy revolves, that's why all of the other MapleStory versions turned shit; pay2win.
What I think we should be aiming for is a server with the mechanics of V.62, and the nostalgia of verson V.62. SoK would totally ruin that. Maps such magatia and ToT weren't in V.62, but they are definitely compatible with it in my opinion. They are content that we would have liked had they not gone along with all the other rubbish. Had nexon just did things like add new places with the old mechanics, and no major game changing features, we all probably wouldn't see the need for a nostalgic server.
This is a more valid option. Untradeable to other players, but able to share within your own account. Something similar to the RED patch weapons. Tradeable within the same account only once, and become untradeable after. I think this one is good. Still, should only apply to certain items, like chairs or cash equips only.
+1 to this, but only for some items. I think a zhelm is not something that should be transferrable, but things like chairs and maple even maple leafs should be.
I'm not trying to start an argument or make a negative gesture. But what you said first seems to contradict what you said later. You said, "There is not a way to trade untradable items" then you said, "I didn't say there wasn't a way to change it..." Changing untradeable items to tradeable is certainly a way to trade untradeable items. Of course the OP knows there currently isn't a way to trade untradeable items, or that untradeable items can't be traded. He wanted to ask if it could be changed so that he can trade it. You mentioned, if the OP's friend really wants it he can hunt for it. Certain items like his chair among untradeable chairs are practically impossible to obtain. The past halloween event offered untradeable chairs like Alluring Nine Tailed fox. Personally, I don't have any interest in collecting chairs like many do. I hope to get rid of it but I don't just want to throw it in the air only to see it disappear. I earned the chair and I would very much like to have an option sell it or gift it. Same goes for tiger head stone and typhoon crest. While you are willing to grant 1 million mesos (such an arbitrary number) to the ones who possess itcg forging manuals yet you wouldn't on typhoon crests. Of course everyone knows typhoon crest is a piece of garbage. Nobody wants it. But this becomes a different case when you are updating to take away the items from people. Gachapon is a total gamble but people used tickets and obtained typhoon crests. If typhoon crests didn't exist, they could've gotten something else; they couldve gotten white scrolls, chaos scrolls or bvms or watermelons or cheese. I have no idea how the gachapon probability is programmed but if it is coded in the most fair and random method and you take away the crests as if they never existed, then you are also pretending that those people who got crests never even used a ticket to get the crests. I am in no way suggesting that what you proposed in compensating the manual owners was an unfair decision. Rather I'm saying your proposal for granting them 1 million each makes no sense. I apologize for going off the topic.. Just wanted to get my point across. I hope this didn't come across rude. Thanks for reading,
Actually he does not contradict himself at all as both statements are 100% true: If an item has the tag untradeable then there is as it suggests no way to trade this item, it's got that tag for a reason. So if you take that tag away then you can trade the item, but then it no longer classifies as an untradeable item as implied before. With that said we are well aware there is a way to change the properties of an item to make it tradeable, but doing so would make the item no longer to be untradeable. This means that if we have decided that an item should be untradeable for whatever the reason may be, we do not have the intentions to change this to make it tradeable for anyone.
I don't see how both statements can be true. If his second statement is true then his first statement has to be false. I think the OP already understands that an item with an untradeable tag is there for a reason which is to indicate that the item cannot be traded. Remember this is a feedback section, not a character issue section. The OP along with others are trying to opt for tradeability of currently untradeable items. I thought feedback section was there to give developers feedbacks to promote intentions to change the game. You are talking as if all the decisions were made long ago and no changes will be implemented from here on. Are you trying to discourage the players from making feedbacks?
Well this is kind of true, since the post you've been quoting is from March 2014 and we live in December 2016 right now. So the decision to not make untradeable items tradeable has been made a very long time ago. Both statements made by Matt are true: There is no way untradeable items can be traded by players under any circumstances. The untradeable item property can be changed to tradeable in the files if the developers choose to change it. I don't see how one of the two statements becomes false if the other is true, since they aren't linked to each other. Not once did Matt say that if an item is untradeable there is no way for it to ever become tradeable through the means of file changes, all he said is that if an item is untradeable it simply can not be traded as it's intended to be that way. And after that he said that if we wanted to change that, it would have to be done by changing the item property in the files. Not at all, but half your first post belongs to a different feedback thread and the other half counts as a necro post which is kind of frowned upon. We do encourage players to come up with constructive feedback, but we also try to encourage them to think every part of their feedback through before posting it.