As some of you may know pizzapops (Nick) Danielson and I (knob) hosted a community event last night. We got some amazing feedback and I had tons of fun hosting it. I would be looking to host some more events like that but doing only Q & A would get pretty boring. So I was wondering if you guys have some suggestions for anything about the event, prizes, what events we could host, anything just reply down below an we may use your prize in our next event! Thanks guys, Knob
The obvious JQ, preferably Forest of Patience (ZJQ is hard to get to and is Lv50+), or anything that a new player can play. Otherwise, Russian Roullette is definitely an option if you can control the crowd and can keep track of everything. Other options are T/F (also a form of Q&A), Betrayal Q&A or anything question-related, really. Can be done with SMEGAs, too. You could also do Hide & Seek, make a Level 10 mule or something and let no one know the name, the first to step into the right map wins. You'd broadcast tips using SMEGAs, of course. And Robb, I don't think Manny wants to collaborate with anyone, really... As to prizes; mesos or chairs, maybe rare NX items, if you can afford them.
Not everyone thinks like you Rob :/. Everyone can do their thing, I will continue to do mine.. I've actually never been approached by people about this...AND Just because I didn't want to team up with you, doesn't mean I wont do it with anyone... Clearly Raddy and I were a thing before, in case you missed it. Best of luck to all those involved, I hope you enjoy helping the community as much as I do.
I was just thinking it's be easier to collaborate so you can cut individual costs and control events better. Just a thought.
Robb I hope you didn't take it the wrong way, I like the idea. I just don't know of anyone who I am willing to partner up with... we know how that went last time.
I spoke with Nick yesterday after the event and he seemed excited to try an exclusive "Don't Forget The Lyrics"-style contest. Of course to be fair it would have to be as diverse as possible, spanning as many genres as possible, but I'm down for this too. I'm also very down for hide and seek. I haven't tried that yet on this server.
I'd just like to express my appreciation and respect to all who take the time to host community events. <3
Something like 10% scroll event. Gather together alot worthless 10% scrolls or get ppl bringing em. Everyone gotta use 1 per round. Everytime a 10% works the person is disqualified.
Thanks for everyone who is helping out! Really means a lot! For the 10% idea that sounds like a lot of fun and hopefully we will be trying that soon! I know I have a lot of 10% scrolls and it would be fun to see how it plays out. The only thing im worried about is how easy it could be to cheat. Just not use a 10% when everyone else is or not fess up if yours works stuff like that
I imagine that is why Manezu suggests that the success of a scroll is the disqualifying event: that way it would be to a participant's disadvantage to use a scroll of higher probability of success.
Not I. I have a far better success rate with 10% scrolls than 60 or even 70! Sounds like a fun event, though.
It went fine last time... o.o Also, it's awesome that you guys are collaborating to bring even more community events to the server. Best of luck with everything!