Lately I've came back to royals and installed the most recent version from the site. Whenever I start up the game it runs fine at a steady 300FPS, and after around 20 minutes of playing it drops down to around 3... The main problem is that it doesn't go back up again. Any fixes out there?
I'm having fps drops too, since I reinstalled the game I've started having fps drops after a client closes.
Is compatibility mode enabled for your client? Personally I had to disable mine to stop the fps lag you're describing there.
yes it is, as you download it it's automatically set to windows 98/me , I'm in windows 7, I've seen that windows98/me is the recommended so I kept it there even tho it used to be off, thanks dimitri!
Seems like I'm only having this issue in maps filled with mobs. In towns/shops my game runs stable @300fps, and soon as I enter a map with mobs it drops to 30 and below.