Welcome to the Inferno Homepage (this page is still under construction) Inferno was created somewhere in May 2014 and grew to a big and active guild. Due to my absence the guild unfortunately died out and i pulled the plug cause i did not have enough time to actively manage the guild, or even play. But now we are back and open for recruitment!!!! Inferno is just a place to have a good time with a close group of friends. The only thing we ask from our members is to be kind, helpful to others and show people respect. (Be a normal human being) We have 5 members so bossing like zakum isn't really an option at the moment but as soon as we have enough members we will be actively doing these expeditions. i could spell out the rules here but if you really need to be reminded to these kind of rules don't even bother applying. They are kinda obvious. Leaders PIuisje/Jayelia BIaze Zant Do you want to be a part of us and are you a little bit shy? We have this neat little format for you! Name: In-game name: Job: Age: Location & Timezone: Why do you want to join Inferno?: Do you know some people from Inferno?: What do you do a lot on MapleRoyals (training, hunting, questing, bossing, etc)?: Give me a random word, picture or video you think is awesome. Do you want a little chat or some more information just message me or one of our JR's ingame. ~Stephany, creator of Inferno
Name:Alex In-game name:Vapor Age:16 (17 in 4 days) Location & Timezone:United States-Central Daylight Time Why do you want to join Inferno?:it seem like a fun guild to be in and its gets kinda of lonely playing MR by yourself Do you know some people from Inferno?:i do not =/ What do you do a lot on MapleRoyals (training, hunting, questing, bossing, etc)?:i will be training a lot since summer is around the corner and hopefully in the future i will be attending boss runs Give me a random word, picture or video you think is awesome.:http://imgur.com/xwXgS9T (My Ecig =p )
We're starting to host regular guild events now; we try to host more than two per week! We have a lot of event ideas, and already tried a couple in a sort of practice guild event, but if you have more ideas, feel free to tell Jayelia or me about them. c:
Name: Jake In-game name: iMuffins Age: 18 Location & Timezone: MD EST Why do you want to join Inferno?: Cool name, new to server, looks awesome. Do you know some people from Inferno?: New to server. What do you do a lot on MapleRoyals (training, hunting, questing, bossing, etc)?: Grinding -> Bossing -> Questing Give me a random word, picture or video you think is awesome. Muffins.
I'm not in the position to decide if we should accept you or not on my own, you will have to wait until Jayelia wakes up. I love muffins, too, by the way. Edit: Accepted. Welcome to Inferno. c: