The server seems to be down, and some posts on the forum are going out of order, and the chatbox seems to be broken too.
Yeah, this is pretty wild lol. I was posting with you in my Server Reboot suggestion and all the posts are all mixed up and the thread isn't updating properly. The chat box seems to be frozen from an hour ago or so..
It seemed to be for an hour. It seems that the forum time went back an hour, which seems strange given that is not daylight saving time. Notice that this thread is all out of order. My post quoting Chicken Stix is displaying *before* Chicken Stix's post.
I'm wondering if something with the timezones changed while this thread was going on. Especially since the timestamps only show an hour difference. I checked the error logs for the database, and there were no issues reported, which makes me believe the database was fine and vBulletin acted up when something with the times changed. Note: This is purely speculative and in no way a conclusive statement.
I'd also like to add, though I'm not sure if they are related, that there was a mass server dc when that occurred (though the server did not actually crash, around 30-50 stragglers managed to stay online). Those who dc'd were unable to reconnect for about an hour or so.
Yes, I can confirm these problems; I couldn't connect this morning, and when I posted something, it said the last post on that thread was "06-04-2014" (So June 4th, today), and when I looked an hour later, it displayed the correct time. Kind of weird. The chat box also was fucked up. 't was weird!