
Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Kerners, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. Kerners

    Kerners Donator

    Apr 7, 2014
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    Plushie was created in late April 14 in anticipation of the migration of several members from a previous server.

    We are a group of different creeds, and honestly I don’t think it really matters where we all came from, since we’re all together already.
    More importantly, we are a laid back guild with an emphasis on a balance between the competitive and social aspects of Maplestory.

    But, if you’re ratchet enough to think we are pushovers, my girls and I will come and fuck you up personally.

    A guild full of nonsense that tolerates no nonsense. [Read: troll]

    We do not advocate jingoistic rubbish such as guild pride or guild rivalry. That is strictly prohibited. Any members found with the guild name in their shop or Smegaing the guild name out of pride will be severely dealt with. At the same time, in line with our neutralist policy, we prefer to distance ourselves from the other guilds and avoid unnecessary interactions that could result in drama.

    We believe in a flat hierarchy. The managerial positions are purely utilitarian and meaningless otherwise. In line with communist ideology, everyone is either a Nadav Cohen or a Bikinian or whatever the flavour of the month is atm. There will be NO JUNIOR POSITIONS AT ALL.

    As such, power hungry douches can jolly well fuck off. We are an easy-going bunch and we have no time for your stupid drama.

    Plushie is NOT recruiting. We may occasionally grant exceptions, however. So if for some bizarre reason you are that desperate to join us, you may attempt to submit an application. Note that we have an extremely strict recruitment policy and will not tolerate what we deem as “randoms”. Still, we acknowledge that our guild recruitment officer (Vivi) falls terribly short of this.

    Your application should follow the following format, and be submitted as a PM to Kerners, who will then forward it to all the other members to conduct your recruitment suitability assessment.

    After which, if we approve, you’ll be invited to go through a trial period with us and you need to maintain personal contact with us for a certain duration, through mediums such as Buddy and Party Chat. If you are still not deterred after reading this, you are nuts.

    Here is a sample flowchart of the torture an applicant may go through should he or she be foolish enough to apply:
    Application Requirements

    1. You are not a magnet of drama
    2. Not stupid (You may use Casper or Wimp as a benchmark for “fairly dense”), mature
    3. Can contribute positively to the relaxing atmosphere of the guild (fitting in)
    4. Active or at least visits regularly
    5. You must be a troll or familiar with trolling culture

    Bonus: Fulfilling a niche class
    - Markswoman
    - Dark Dame
    - White Dame
    - High Priestess
    - F/P Arch Witch
    - I/L Arch Witch
    - Buccaneer
    - Beginner
    Application Format
    RMS Join Date:

    1. What do you think of Plushie? What does this guild mean to you? (Traits/Rumours/Perception?) [Trash talk us]

    2. Why not join other guilds? Have you considered how they may be more suitable to your needs? [Trash talk them]

    3. What do you hope to accomplish from joining Plushie? [inb4 int gear]

    4. How will you contribute to Plushie?

    5. ***Difficult Bonus Question (Optional): Explain why is Lexi TP6? (Hint: Ask some of the members, but they probably wouldn’t know or tell you)

    Note that a perfect answer to this question will net you an instant invite into the guild, or at least boost your application greatly.

    Contact: If you need my Skype, PM Kerners, else PM Teddie ingame.

    You’d probably find us rotting in FM. We strive to maintain a relaxed environment even in the midst of me yelling at you.
    Kindly refrain from bothering us if you want to stir shit up. Otherwise feel free to fool around with us.​
    irmy, MapleBento, Paradox and 25 others like this.
  2. Kerners

    Kerners Donator

    Apr 7, 2014
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    Being an egalitarian guild, we don’t have juniors and never will. We value every single member. (Though in Orwell’s words, some are more equal than others. For example, Everyone > Casper.)

    And as we value every single one of our members, we have an entire post dedicated to each and every profile.

    [​IMG] Heroines, Paladins and Dark Dames
    [​IMG] Bishops, I/L Arch Witches and F/P Arch Witches
    [​IMG] Bow Mistresses, Markswomen
    [​IMG] Night Ladies, Shadowers
    [​IMG] Corsairs, Buccaneers

    Divisional Roles:
    Guild Leader, Guild Recruitment Officer, Guild Leeching Officer, Trolling Division Officer, Merchant Division Officer, Guild Mispricing Officer, Girls Division Officer, Slacking Division Officer, Guild Quest Officer, Guild Events Officer, Guild Smoking Officer, Bossing Division Officer, Taiwanese Division Officer, Spying Division Officer, Drk Hating Division

    Active Status:
    Active – 90% uptime
    Semi-active – 50% uptime
    Inactive – 10% uptime

    IGN - Aliases - Category – Divisional Roles – Active Status
    [​IMG] The Yeti – Yeti Zoo Yeti -[​IMG] God – Guild Mascot - Active
    Profile: This is the guild’s god. All who venture into FM19, mistakenly or otherwise, will have to be forced to worship this deity. Outsiders, beware. ALL HAIL THE YETI!!11!!
    [​IMG] Teddie – Clement Dictator Nagger collapsed Clementine - [​IMG] Markswoman - Guild Leader - Active
    Profile: A rather harsh and uncompromising leader who is fond of spewing vitriol on forums and in-game, especially to fellow guild mates. He is incredibly good at burning safety charms (for the record, 30 at himes in one session), being leaped onto by playful Bigfoots and SE slavery. When not busy yelling profanities in guild, he is being a smartass on forums or trying, with limited success, to buy underpriced scrolls from the FM stores of various unsuspecting merchants.
    [​IMG][​IMG] Cassia/Cherish – Vivi Stalker CRY Bikinian Bikinia - [​IMG] Heroine – Guild Recruitment Officer - Active
    Profile: The thorn among the roses. Vivienne works as a professional stalker and has an uncanny ability of getting the ASL & picture of any male victim she is targeting. She is also a slave, a failure and a fool amongst several other (derogatory) things. As the chief recruitment officer, she conducts interviews for unwitting applicants who are skinned of their personal information in the process, and is well versed at picking bad members to recruit.
    [​IMG] MrSnippy/Calliope – Josh Jawsh Snippeh [​IMG] Markswoman –Trolling Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Josh is first and foremost, a troll. He is good at doing stupid things like making high int characters that have no realistic way of levelling since he is unable to leech himself, and as a result, hogs the int gear unnecessarily. He is also rather vocal on the forums at times, much to his own detriment. Not to mention his hair is ugly.
    [​IMG] Arnold/Punjhabi – Nadav Cohen Punjhabi Nadavian FUSRODAH - [​IMG] Paladin – Trolling Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: The one and only Nadav Cohen is part of the “ugly troll NX” demographic who were infamous due to their eyeball-melting NX wardrobe selections. He also tends to get along well with the other Israelites in guild and is a Skyrim expert. He is well known for disappearing with the int gear since his machine is a 1980s toastbox.
    [​IMG] CaptainRuffy – Ruffster Raph Weihnachtsguetzli - [​IMG] Bow Mistress – Slacking Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: An incredibly lazy and useless SE slave, CaptainRuffy has been chided by me several times for being slow and incompetent. Ruffy is also good at doing inane things like asking about basic bowmen skill distributions despite having mained one for several years. She is however, quite a decent baker and bowman when she is not being useless or distracted by League of Legends.
    [​IMG] Dawsticks/FingerBang – David Nguyen Ngu Ngusticks Fingerngu Nhu Co - [​IMG] Corsair – Trolling Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Ngu is a troll who specializes in flirting with women unsuccessfully. Since he is patriarchal and misogynistic, he is often bullied in guild. He is a very poor replacement of Kevin Nguyen and often falls short of our high expectations that we established from Kevin’s era. He is fluent in Nguing, trolling, guild hopping, League of Legends, Hearthstone and osu. He is also the self-proclaimed star member of the guild which we vehemently deny.
    [​IMG]annaapplex – Anna Apple Orange Banana - [​IMG] Night Lady – Trolling Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Ngu’s better half. It has become a hot topic in guild regarding how she even ended up with a hell hole like Ngu. Though she is a fellow troll comrade, some theories touted include the hypothesis that she is Ngu herself, much to her dismay, or that she simply lost her mind at that point of time. Nevertheless, she has undisputedly the best pet name in the server.
    [​IMG]Epiksuh – Epik JD Johnny SUUUH - [​IMG] Bishop – Guild Leeching Officer - Active
    Profile: Teddie’s worse half. As the chief leeching officer in the guild, he is responsible for a large proportion of the leeched levels within the guild. Since he belongs to the “gurl” demographic, members from the Girls Division are able to relate well to him in terms of shows like Grey’s Anatomy and troubles with boys. He takes a liking towards 3DS games, rhythm games, girly activities, chipotle, banh mi and extra pho.
    [​IMG] Heleos – Kevin Kebin Speedy HeleosTower - [​IMG] Bow Mistress – Guild Mispricing Officer- Active
    Profile: The Heleos Tower has traditionally been familiar with the path of Archers and is thus a key SE slave. He is competent in 3DS titles like Pokemon competitive battling and Animal Crossing, and is a fan of SNL. His favourite past time includes staring into space on the 4th level of FM which he seems to share a special affinity with. Unfortunately, that means that virtually everyone outlevels him since his butt is permanently glued there.
    [​IMG] CloudedMusic – Sam Samuel Samxie - [​IMG] IL Arch Witch – Girls Division Officer - Active
    Profile: The obligatory FM hoe required in every guild. Samxie does nothing but sit in FM all day long. Levelling up is like a miracle occurring to her. She now hangs out in Wolf Spider Cavern in desperation for the leech she will never get. She indulges in fashion and netball, and is expert at putting Ngu down. Samwhyxie is extremely tall. The male species should only approach her if they are above 2 meters in height.
    [​IMG]Coward/Wimp – Alex Zeine Alexandra Useless - [​IMG] Buccaneer – Slacking Division Officer - Active
    Profile: The pinnacle of what it means to be stupid, useless, lazy and inactive. Alex often claims that he will eventually somehow reach 4th job, but we all know better. Even in the previous server, he is renowned for perpetually begging for buffs and leech. His sister is far more superior to him in all fronts, mental and otherwise. More importantly, it is a pity that he has forsaken his signature Mohawk hairstyle.
    [​IMG]BornToBeBlu – Terry Terrbear BornToBeFrey – [​IMG] Bow Mistress – Girls Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: He is famous for his unsuccessful high profile marriage proposal with Freyja in which he crossdressed as her and proclaimed himself as ‘BornToBeFrey’, and was swiftly ignored and rejected in the aftermath. He now spends his time swooning with ImFlippy4U while twirling his curly blonde hair. One day, he will be reborned as red, yellow or green.
    [​IMG]Bulba - Bulba Bernard Bulbapedia - [​IMG] Night Lady – Guild Quest Officer - Active
    Profile: Bulbapedia belongs to the old school Singaporean clique comprising of Bikinian, Teddie, Bulbapedia and Xcstaaasy. He has a fondness for that wretched grass starter and likes to create cringe inducing shop threads flooded with their gifs and jpgs. He is also a slacker that dabbles in DotA2 and trolling.
    [​IMG]Brahms - Brahm Joee Loee Xcstaaasy - [​IMG] Dark Dame – Girls Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Like Bulbapedia, she belongs to the old school Singaporean clique, but took ages to join us. At the behest of Jade, she was finally dragged back and the clique is reunited at last. The first query she has upon joining are "WHAT HAIRS AND FACES ARE AVAILABLE", so that does give you insight on certain priorities she has. That aside, she was the top dark dame from the previous server thus we can be assured that HB slavery is her noble calling.
    [​IMG] Arieol – Arie Ari Areola - [​IMG] Buccaneer – Merchant Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Finally, a reliable and dependable team member with a solid track record. Levelling, bossing, money making, she’s got it all down. I am at a loss of what exactly I can insult her about. Oh, there you have it: She’s too good. We are always greeted by a massive thanking speech after each level.
    [​IMG] Diaz – Victor Viktor Tipo - [​IMG] Night Lady – Merchant Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Viktor has quite a number of preferences, which include harassing women, taming his beard game and commenting on soccer. He loves to spend NX unnecessarily on his everchanging NX wardrobe, and has a keen eye for FM1 spots. He is often yelled at by me during bossing since he grew rusty over the years. Still, he is one of our rare RMS recruits whose actions do not make me feel like spontaneously combusting, which I guess is a plus point.
    [​IMG] Dirac - Dirac Jerzy Tommy Tommeh - [​IMG] Bishop – Drk Hating Division - Active
    Profile: Even prior to his entry into guild, I have already called him a scrub at least 50 times. Apparently he's also the real Teddy and I'm not. This troll is well known for playing Maplestory on a 2008 toaster, resulting in him dc'ing at every opportunity. Good luck to him trying to catch hackers at zak or pap. He has an affinity with Tentomon due to their shared hatred and self-loathing of Dark Dames. If you see him during GM Events, do exercise patience as he'll probably disconnect while all of you are muted and bursting with frustration.
    [​IMG] Delicate – Melody Melo Midang - [​IMG] Bishop – Guild Leeching Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Mel is very kind and nice and a good leader when I’m too lazy to do so. However, since that is painful and inappropriate to type, the following should be more interesting. Mel, like me, loves hot gossip, especially if it involves guys. By extension, she is also heavily involved with their antics. She also hates all new members in the guild, which is correct as I like to clamp down on them.
    [​IMG]Damon – Damon Bento Lunchbox Daemon -[​IMG] Dark Dame – Trolling Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Our little lunchbox. Damon is the adorable weeaboo Gaijin, and his boyfriend is named Jay. He is also a troll, and not very good at levelling or activity for that matter. Since he is a weeaboo, he excels at multi-lingual trolling, especially East Asian languages (Mandarin and of course, Japanese). This otaku’s mother is also quite “spontaneous and controlling”, according to him.
    [​IMG]Dunderball – Shrekt Dunderball B0b Dundaga Croagunk Nick - [​IMG] Heroine – Slacking Division Officer - Active
    Profile: This Tyrone guy is your typical anti-RMS, counterculture player who breaks every rule imaginable and hates the “oppression”. Like the rest of his brethren from Fugitives or Incognito, they are either banned, on hiatus or trolling. He’s usually seen hanging with us in FM19 trolling around or begging people to play(Read: defeat him in) Pokemon Showdown with him.
    [​IMG]Chic – Drunk Oliver Olivia - [​IMG] Buccaneer – Slacking Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Yet another 420 counter culture guy who recently joined RMS. Oliver is a fucking patriarchal and misogynistic piece of shit, which is the greeting I go by every time I meet him. He also hates the Yeti so that is another black mark on my list. Most of the time he is riding his dirt bike around FM to overcompensate. Only levels via leech since he is absolutely garbage.
    [​IMG]Dibs – Burp Burper DibberDabberDoo Marjorie - [​IMG] Bishop – Guild Leeching Officer - Active
    Profile: The Burper owns the pet dog known as muffins, and often has to deal with all sorts of shit from it (literally). Be it peeing, pooing, or being useless in general, this bishop slaves painstakingly after the daily nonsense that arises from the dog. She also attracts the attention of various other guys (namely Ngu) but is able to flick them off easily. Still, being consigned to slavehood can be miserable at times.
    [​IMG] Flysian – Elysian Ulysian Mylynn Ulynn MAILEAN – [​IMG] Night Lady – Girls Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Ulysian is the founder of the Bikinian clan. Areas of expertise = TV shows, hot guys, partying, last minute assignments, failing at JQ, burning safety charms, dying to Bigfoot, sweeping Phantom Forest. Areas of weakness = Killing Bigfoot, playing Night Lady, levelling, staying alive, managing finances, logging on. Pretty standard for an officer from the Girls Division.
    [​IMG] Ghetto – Ghetto Nat Nut Wifey – [​IMG] Night Lady – Bossing Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Ghetto shares several similarities with the flies that encircle his head, such as an undying kinship with garbage and trash. He often engages in tomfoolery with his Thai comrade Peakster. Nonetheless, he is helpful in being a boss sweeping slave, an item dump mule and a haste slave, though he fails utterly at the latter. Although he likes to spam “AHEUHEUHEU” or its Thai equivalent, “5555555”, we are actually laughing at him, not with him.
    [​IMG]Guitar – Guitar City Jack Jacky - [​IMG] Bishop – Guild Leeching Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Jack was destined for leech slavery from the day he joined. He is very fickle with the classes he plays and likes to suddenly quit various characters once they hit 3rd job. Also, as a word of warning, if he ever invites you for a game of tetris, reject it immediately if you value your life and sanity. Don't say I didn't warn you~
    [​IMG]Liszt – Internet Jade Heart – [​IMG] Bishop – Girls Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Being Xcstaaasy's bff4lyfe, the duo are permanently glued together. They share several things together as well, like a love and proficiency for music. Jade is also one of the more old school players from the previous server and is in touch with many of the veterans here. Unlike me, this musical genius is very amicable with all, so she will not bite your head off if you approach her.
    [​IMG]itBrian – itBRIAN Brian Brain – [​IMG] Paladin – Taiwanese Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Oh god it’s Brain. Brain bombards the entire guild with incessant questions using his innocent Taiwanese boy demeanour. It seems like his IQ plunged significantly ever since he migrated over here since he was actually pretty decent in the previous server. He also keeps yelling at me to stop calling him Brain, but hell no. I need to do so in order to constantly remind him of what he lacks.
    [​IMG]Jill – Jill JJ Taimei Cuttlefish - [​IMG] Bow Mistress – Taiwanese Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Quiet as she may be, if you try to mess with her, you will regret it. This “TaiMei” (Taiwanese Sister) is not to be trifled with. As the top Taiwanese player from the previous server, she is predicted to surpass all within the guild. However, she has a penchant for wasting NX unnecessarily on clothes instead of saving them for gach, which she openly admits, being fully aware that “Teddie will be angry on her”(sic) for that.
    [​IMG] Kartoffels – Ron Ronquit Rawn Ronda - [​IMG] Corsair – Trolling Division Officer - Inactive
    Profile: The neologism “Ronquit” is a portmanteau of Ron and quit. It quickly evolved into a meme due to my interrogation of Ron every time he logged in, questioning why he quit. He claims he didn’t, but quitting = not logging in, hence ronquit. Ronquit is proficient at quitting, majinvegetating and random outbursts. Here is a sample:
    [​IMG]Kirara – Kirara Roar. Freyja Frey Annabelle - [​IMG] Bishop – Guild Leeching Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Roar. Easily recognized through that onomatopoeic greeting, Frey has abysmally slow internet, taking 3 entire days just to download Royals. Being rather reticent, do expect to get “k” as a standard reply for all queries directed towards her.
    [​IMG]Lily – Lily Becca Bex Madame - [​IMG] Markswoman – Girls Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Like Desiree, Rebecca is one of the pioneers of the Girls Division. The Girls Division follows a strict protocol, which includes but is not limited to talking in caps, hollering in emotive language and gossiping about the next TV show or hot guy. The Girls Division are a source of colourful vibrancy and are well versed in thwarting Ngu’s pathetic predations. Unfortunately, Madame does make various blunders, like spending 12m on clean lvl 43 weapons.
    [​IMG]muffins – muffin sissie deat Isaac iceicebabey - [​IMG] Corsair – Slacking Division Officer - Active
    Profile: An effeminate sissie boi whose primary duties are to wipe pee and clean poop. Like the puppy dog he owns, he is completely helpless without his bishop slaving after him, and it is a wonder how he even reached 4th job in the first place. Notable habits include slipping and falling on his dog’s pee, DCing every 5 seconds, getting his battleship destroyed within 2 seconds and being absolutely worthless in general. He also claims he is handsome but we all know otherwise.
    [​IMG] Majinvegetaa – Majinvegeta MajinVegetable Vegetino Sarah - [​IMG] Night Lady – Guild Events Officer - Inactive
    Profile: Sarah is one of our more tamer members who do not make my blood boil. As such, she is remarkably immune to the neverending antics of Ronquit, and is also able to tolerate and control his unpredictable trolling. She is extremely talented at Ola Ola and luck-based GM events, having came in 1st place for not 1 or 2 but 3 Ola Ola events. However, due to Ron’s bad influence, her levelling does leave more to be desired.
    [​IMG] MicNuggets - Mickey Chanelle Mickgay - [​IMG] Night Lady – Merchant Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Mickey is ghei is belongs to the Singaporean trio demographic consisting of her, Dibs and muffins. With her late entry with several excuses like wz files not working, downloads and windows not working, gf problems and such, Mickey has finally joined and the trio is reunited at last. She is good at merchanting so it is in your best interest to avoid MicNuggets' Hired Merchant.
    [​IMG]Noicky – Noicky Nicky Nick Lexi TP6 - [​IMG] Bow Mistress - Girls Division Officer - Active
    Profile: This is the first person you should go to if you’re wondering how to answer the question regarding Lexi and TP6. That controversial past aside, Noicky is an old veteran player who is also familiar with several of our vets, and it spans across several demographics such as the Girl’s Division and the old veteran players.
    [​IMG]NonY – NonY WhiteRa Luis NinY NoKnee - [​IMG] Paladin – Girls Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: An ex-GM of high calibre who snuck in here unexpectedly. His favourite quote is “sucks to suck” and that has gained widespread favour among the guild, since it is highly applicable to life in general. Noticeably, he is especially forward with those of the female species, much to Ngu’s dismay and jealousy.
    [​IMG]Peakster - Peakster Peak Ekachart Yuckster - [​IMG] Shadower - Trolling Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: A Thai troll who excels at asking for leech when he is the best class that levels from 70-120. He expresses an obsessive fondness for Poco and Nadav Cohen, probably because trolls of the same feather flock together. He is also allergic to being an int gear bitch, so I simply just shove the gear on him and tell him to stfu. This stupid potty mouthed lil shit spends the majority of his time blowing up Captain Latanica or stalking me at Anego.
    [​IMG]PocoElLeLoco – Poco Chinchilla Hola Nacho Burrito- [​IMG] Dark Dame – Trolling Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Oh hoho, she’s back and ready to rumble. The king of ugly NX has returned at last after months of inexcusable hiatus and she is now back with a vengeance. Expect to see much more headdesk triggering NX outfits that would most certainly make you want to gouge your own eyes out.
    [​IMG]Prose – Artorius Prose Tim - [​IMG] IL Arch Witch - Slacking Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Artorius joined us recently and is renowned for making pure int useless characters that he is unable to train or leech, much like Josh. Much to our chagrin, he is still dabbling in the previous server which is pretty dumb of him. Fortunately, since he is an IL Arch Witch he can help in the leeching division instead of being a liability as usual.
    [​IMG]Romina – Romina Rom Romi - [​IMG] Heroine – Girls Division Officer - Active
    Profile: Romi is a latecomer to the Girls Division but a very solid member nonetheless. Like most of her fellow compatriots, she is able to fend off the advances of Ngu with ease. She is also a positive example of how not to be like Alex, her useless and lazy brother. Definitely the better sibling by far.
    [​IMG]Lynn - Sign Jay pillow's fanboi - [​IMG] Bishop - Guild Leeching Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Jay is finally back after moping around for months about his relationships. He has at last realized how important his husband Damon is to him and thus been successfully dragged back to this server. Now, we only need Kevin Nguyen left to complete the full LPQ trolling set. As part of the LPQ demographic, they are good at LPQ speed runs and JMS KMS CMS whateva da fuk MS jumping methods there are.
    [​IMG]Sivir – Sivir Ashlee - [​IMG] FP Arch Witch - Guild Leeching Officer - Active
    Profile: You’ll usually spot Sivir smegaing to sell leech to unsuspecting priests to feed her 10 imaginary kids. As an FP Mage she is a rare breed and thus contributes to our diversity quotient. She tells me she is in Plat ELO but we all are aware that she is actually in Bronze II, at least according to me anyway.
    [​IMG] Skywulf – Skywulf MapoftheShit Sean Swole - [​IMG] Heroine – Guild Mispricing Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: As one of the guild mispricing officers, Sean has a knack for setting his prices 50% below the market rate, so those of you merchers out there, keep an eye out for Skywulf’s Hired Merchant. Here are some adjectives that Bikinian has supplied for him: Flirt, only knows how to approach girls, changes girls like changing clothes.
    [​IMG]Snickers – Snicker Crusty Krusty Brandon Val - [​IMG] Bishop – Taiwanese Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: The guild’s drama queen. Although he is not Taiwanese, he seems to get along very well with them as he has had plenty of experience trolling them. He was an arse back on the other server but is significantly better now or at least I hope. This queen bee enjoys making multiple characters that will never hit 3rd job but we will be able to see if this trend is broken soon.
    [​IMG]Extinct – Extinct Snuggle James Bae - [​IMG] Shadower - Girls Division Officer - Active
    Profile: James has been categorized under "Girl's Division" due to the following characteristics: Girly, emotive language, capitalized language, FM hoe, likes to chat with the girls. The US gang met him during LMPQ while they were on their alts but alts are not allowed. Do pester him if you want to engage in girly activities with him.
    [​IMG]Tangled - Diana Tangled - [​IMG] IL Arch Witch - Girls Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Diana's the Korean grandma in the Girl's Division, being one of the old vets from the prev server. According to samwyxie and bex, she's from the "joyzie hood, where they gym tan laundry and get their poofs done". Diana also has a younger brother Derreck which I used to stalk and harass everyday on the previous server but idk where the hell he went.
    [​IMG]Tentomon – Tentomon Kabuterimon Heidi - [​IMG] Dark Dame – Drk Hating Division - Semi-active
    Profile: Highly vocal on forums and in-game, this programmer will probably kick you in the proverbial nuts if you mess with her. If you catch her on a bad day you would probably deserve the mutilation you receive. Still, Heidi has a cheeky side to her especially when she wants to troll around by annoying other trolls like Ngu or defaming illuminate. She is also very fond of doing mind numbing things like dropping coins in FM as a way of distracting herself from working on her stressful thesis.
    [​IMG]TehCapn - Cappin Ben CapnHealYoAss - [​IMG] Heroine - ??? Division Officer - Active
    Profile: My impression that I got from him is that he is a rabid server hopper, never staying at 1 for longer than a month or so. The good thing is that he's very enthusiastic in helping with the int gear, and tolerates my incessant trolling and nagging at him regarding why he quit. The bad thing is that it's the captain.
    [​IMG]Tsunami – Tsunami Geox Bryan - [​IMG] Bishop – Spying Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: Bry is a dumb kid with a good heart and a bad schedule. He gave me 20m when I started off in RMS and that was nice since it really went a long way. Unfortunately, I didn’t invite his alts yet and simply lied to him saying that the guild was full as an excuse not to invite him until I deemed him suitable to join us. The standard procedure for not inviting people politely = guild is “full”, until we “make more room”, I’ll keep you “updated”.
    [​IMG]Valor Pixel Pixie Tom Swift - [​IMG] Buccaneer - Slacking Division Officer - Inactive
    Profile: Valor has finally resurrected from the dead after long and repetitive hiatuses on Pixie. Not much was known about him except that he was some isolated slob on the previous server. Now that he's slightly more active, we can hopefully expect more from him. That hope is probably misfounded since it is known that he is very clumsy and gullible, requesting to be partied despite already being in the party. Nvm he died again.
    [​IMG]Zyrcophynt - Zyrcophynt Annie Persephone -[​IMG] Corsair - Bossing Division Officer - Semi-active
    Profile: As the chief instructor of the potato union, Annie is the protato monster and has the patience of one as well. No matter how infuriating people can be, it will simply bounce off her indifferently. When controlling the unruly mobs during GM events, please get in the corner or be kicked, love.
    Here is the Plushie cemetery where we celebrate the dead people who login so little that I do not even know what to write about them. RIP. We've also added some of our recent casualties into this obituary.​
    [​IMG] Gogeta
    [​IMG] Prime
    [​IMG] Kimlum
    [​IMG] KingPage
    [​IMG] Prata

    [​IMG] CosmicDancer – Cosmic PoleDancer - [​IMG] Dark Dame – Merchant Division Officer - DED
    Profile: A rather elusive creature, this quiet predator’s habitats include stalking the FMs and various boss maps. It has a keen eye for good deals and can be oft sighted in the Cave of Pianus preparing sashimi.
    [​IMG] Arsenic – Akkun Akkunamatata Kkunster ugly centaur - [​IMG] Bishop – Guild Leeching Officer - DED
    Profile: One of our rare players who chose to main a Bishop. Kkunster is a reliable and high calibre bishop but has bad habits such as showing off his ugly centaur NX and suddenly disappearing without a trace during spring break. Power levelling like a beast is his key specialty. He is rather good with physics and eyebrow game as well.
    [​IMG] Akane/Kojiro - Kojiro Gabe Gabriel teeny weeny string bikinian -[​IMG] FP Arch Witch – Slacking Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Gabe was viewed with tons of potential, until it was realized that could only happen if he wasn’t doing any of the following: 1. Quitting 2. Slacking 3. Begging for leech 4. Scrolling useless luk shields that do not aid in his gameplay 5. Begging people for smegas to buy said Shield Luk Scrolls 6. Fapping to 2D. Otherwise, Gabe is good at animations and as he terms it, “doing the COW GEE RAH”.
    [​IMG] Proxy – Robin 420 WeedmanSE - [​IMG] Bow Mistress – Guild Smoking Officer- DED
    Profile: Here lies the man who is the embodiment of the 420 counter-culture. Proxy is his name, cannabis is his game. His activities include preparing his joints and his habitat is located at the “Destroyed Dragon’s Nest” since he is rather fond of newties, and he's very fond of calling his friends his "sempai". As a veteran player he also helps us familiarize with RMS culture since he is old school.
    [​IMG]Dark4Angel – Melvin Melbean Melmean Narnia - [​IMG] FP Arch Witch – Slacking Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Melvin is TuGood4Us, as he puts it. However, this is completely untrue as he has proven time and again to be inactive and useless. Laziness is his middle name and he is well versed in the art of skipping anything that remotely requires effort. Nonetheless, he does excel at being an IGB (Int Gear Bitch), multi-tasking and hosting GM events that involve counting the number of bricks in Maya’s house.
    [​IMG]Casper – Casper van Andel idiot retard dumbass - [​IMG] Corsair – Slacking Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Casper van Andel is the guild’s punching bag, mine especially. Being the person who is the living embodiment of the word “dumb”, he is mind-blowingly dense and it is estimated that his IQ lies within the negative infinities. Due to this fact, we often find it useful to utilize his stupidity as a benchmark to judge ludicrous behaviour of various degrees. He is also famed for his coined Dutch phrase, “Prijs de Heer, rook wat meer”.
    [​IMG]Brave – AJ Courage Assass1n - [​IMG] Night Lady – Merchant Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Formerly known as Assass1n, he was the leader of Excellent guild from the previous server and is known to have terrible financial management. This has changed, however, since he has entered the merchant’s paradise that is known as Royals. Mindlessly farming lucky charms has allowed him to maintain relative financial buoyancy. Bikinian is also fond of reminding him of his copious amount of hair, facial and otherwise.
    [​IMG]Bitcoin Java Austin Bitchcoin Shitcoin Bitcat - [​IMG] Night Lady - Guild Leeching Officer - DED
    Profile: Despite 8 years of experience with Maplestory, Bitchcoin is still struggling with the basics of HP washing. His forte includes comp sci, trolling, wearing black cat hats to creep the fuck outta people and failing at hp washing. As a recent new addition, we have quickly ensnared him under the leeching division before he figures out his miserable fate.
    [​IMG]ButterFat – Desiree Butterthin Desipoo - [​IMG] Night Lady – Girls Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Desiree Truth is one of the pioneers of the Girls Division. The Girls Division follows a strict protocol, which includes but is not limited to talking in caps, hollering in emotive language and gossiping about the next TV show or hot guy. She also has a fond preference for huggy bears and giant cherries. As she is artistically inclined, I tried bribing her to do a banner but failed.
    [​IMG]Dynancix – Jeremy AceofShit - [​IMG] Bishop – Slacking Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Jeremy, oh Jeremy. In the previous server, he proudly holds the title of being the slowest leveller in the server, reaching 5x after 6 months of gameplay. Like Casper, he now serves the useful purpose of negative motivation, ie.”woooow you’re even slower than aceofshit”. He is also rather adept at Pokemon competitive battling, especially for his age.
    [​IMG] Euwern – Euwern Euwerneese - [​IMG] Bishop - Guild Mispricing Officer - DED
    Profile: His recruitment is a consequence of the previous liberal recruitment policy by Bikinian. Euwerneese is a standard case of Royals’ (or any MS server, for that matter) income inequality, as he is perpetually in abject poverty, clamouring whenever he has made a grand total of 5m from GS2 loots. We have to carefully advise(or in my case, yell at) him to manage his finances or else those of you who lurk FM often will probably see a Sad Mask going for 5m soon.
    [​IMG] FrenchToast – Frenchtoast Waffle Monsta Juliet - [​IMG] Buccaneer – Trolling Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Juliet is a massive flirt and cannot be depended on to join a server in time. He is currently on hiatus for a month or so as he is either too busy climbing diamond division in League of Legends, or copulating with his female counterpart. Known traits include being a social slut and an FM hoe, but still somehow managing to level. Also, he is an illegal immigrant from across the border.
    [​IMG] fatboy – Fatboy ugly Jeremy chodes jchan - [​IMG] Corsair – Spying Division Officer - Exported to Synergy
    Profile: It looks like our legacy of the “Ugly NX Crew” from the previous server lives on here in RMS. Comprising of Nadav Cohen, Poco el le Loco and Xncxc, they are renowned for wearing the most shocking and vomit inducing NX to melt the eyeballs of innocents. Jerjer proudly joins their ranks, with his deliberate choice of hair, face and other grotesque accessories. When not fooling around in FM, he is probably on tumblr or posting in the music thread.
    [​IMG]Pioneer - Pioneer Jared - [​IMG] Bow Mistress – Slacking Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Jared is a night owl who is extremely inept at levelling (or just getting to 75) , spends his entire day AFKing in FM and likes girlish ugly hairstyles. Other than that, I have run out bad things to write about him.
    [​IMG]Xaut – Xaut Xatu Aatu LIPS - [​IMG] Shadower - Trolling Division Officer - DED
    Profile: Aatu belongs to the trio known as the “Ugly NX Crew” comprising of him, Nadav Cohen and Poco el le Loco. His specialty is the ugly Lips face accessory which he plasters over his face, as well as other various contraptions like Tin Bucket Hats. According to Bikinian, I have to say that although he is one of our pioneer members, he is also one of the lowest levelled members. But all is well, for this crew has to fulfill the glorious mission of blinding us with retina burning pixels.
    [​IMG]XChibiZeroX – Chibi Tristan Trustan noobshit - [​IMG] Shadower - Slacking Division Officer - DED
    Profile: He belongs to the young and dumb demographic of players below the age of 15, thus fitting well with people like Dynancix and itBrian. A common similarity they share is how they are all young, dumb and good at asking stupid questions incessantly. When not plaguing me with questions, they are generally complaining to me about how mean I am to them or how hard levelling is at lvl 20.

    And finally, below are our phantom members who are supposed to join but either passed away or are too lazy to install RMS.​
    [​IMG] Poco el le Loco is wrapped in a burrito nacho coffin. Oh fug, she finally came back to life.
    [​IMG]Pillow Kevin Nguyen is deceased.
    [​IMG]Mickeyisghei has finally joined us under the alias of MicNuggets.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
    irmy, CoupeMix, Romina and 14 others like this.
  3. Kerners

    Kerners Donator

    Apr 7, 2014
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    Although alliances have not been fixed nor announced, we have already planned ahead.

    Existing Allies:


    In accordance to the demographics from the previous server, the guild may or may not undergo some restructuring to re-organize the members into their respective demographic groups. If it does restructure, the groups will be allied.

    For external clans who express interest in forming an alliance, please do so with careful consideration at your own risk. We are not liable for any possible brain damage you may incur.

    Informal Affiliates (NOT Allies but Acquaintances):

    Category: Gang of trolls
    Category: Gang of trolls, patriarchal and misogynistic
    Category: Gang of trolls, Dundaga
    Category: Gang of trolls, helz
    Category: Ugly NX Crew, kunt, jer
    Category: Useless bishop, Tamilische Koenigsrasse
    Category: b00j
    Category: Worthless, trash, hentai
    Category: bronze elo, skammer
    Category: Gang of trolls, mushroom, Janet

    Guild Creation!


    Toppled Zak!


    Toppled again!

    How to get into Guild quickly

    Tommie being a Tommie

    Annie and Bikinia drawing dick pics

    Things to do to pass the time while waiting for Zak

    31/05/2014 – Toppled Zak!
    10/06/2014 - Herald of Regular Zruns!
    21/06/2014 - Troll Apps Additions

    The following are a list of prospective applicants whom we are seeking out for. We have an eye for talent and if we like what we see, we would like to hunt you down and force you to be part of us. It goes without saying that should any of the following people in the list express interest in joining, they fast track the entire application process and are welcomed warmly.

    If they are already in existing guilds (which they all are, who isn’t, really?), other leaders please kindly do not construe this as offensive, because we are simply expressing our interest in them IF they are likewise interested in us, though it may come across as patronizing.

    Format: IGN / Reason(s) (in no order of merit)
    [​IMG]->Stolen from Kat

    Names have been kept anonymous, and obvious clues have been blanked out for now. Enjoy guessing!

    [STRIKE="1. Candidate 1

    a. As indicated by your forum profile picture, you are a troll. We believe this would contribute greatly to the light-hearted atmosphere of the guild.
    b. You are an ____________ Arch Witch. This helps to improve the class diversity and brings a refreshing change from the typical Bishop dominated spectacle.
    c. You are female. This would help to ensure that we continue to maintain the female dominance established within the guild.
    d. You are cool with most people in FM. Without being too quiet or boisterous, striking the delicate balance is part of the art of trolling.
    e. Your name, at least from my perspective, is a corruption of the word “_____” and/or “______”. While this may not be a subtle jab at the Japanophilistic culture of ______, it is still interesting nonetheless.
    f. L_____, L_____, L_____ is a good map for Lightning mages to train at."]1. Candidate 1

    a. As indicated by your forum profile picture, you are a troll. We believe this would contribute greatly to the light-hearted atmosphere of the guild.
    b. You are an ____________ Arch Witch. This helps to improve the class diversity and brings a refreshing change from the typical Bishop dominated spectacle.
    c. You are female. This would help to ensure that we continue to maintain the female dominance established within the guild.
    d. You are cool with most people in FM. Without being too quiet or boisterous, striking the delicate balance is part of the art of trolling.
    e. Your name, at least from my perspective, is a corruption of the word “_____” and/or “______”. While this may not be a subtle jab at the Japanophilistic culture of ______, it is still interesting nonetheless.
    f. L_____, L_____, L_____ is a good map for Lightning mages to train at.[/STRIKE]

    2. Candidate 2
    a. As indicated by your IGN, NX headgear and your general conduct, you are a troll. We believe this would contribute greatly to the light-hearted atmosphere of the guild.
    b. You are a _____________ Arch Witch. This helps to improve the class diversity and brings a refreshing change from the typical Bishop dominated spectacle.
    c. You are female. This would help to ensure that we continue to maintain the female dominance established within the guild.
    d. Your name is the hallmark of trolling and thus ranks high within the trolling division of the guild.
    e. As a veteran player, you can offer us beads of wisdom from your lengthy experience in Royals, especially since we are a budding guild.
    f. You bothered to help me hunt for SE 20 at Sharks. Although it failed (as do most of your scrolls, from hearsay), the thought is highly appreciated.

    3. Candidate 3
    a. While you may come across as politically correct at times, we think you do an excellent job of ________ the ______ and gardening the wild unruly shrubs.
    b. You excel at your ______ duties and always go the extra mile. Prompt replies, expert multi-tasking, writing guides, dealing with bullshit, even trying out coding. That has earned and commanded the respect of many players.
    c. As a veteran player, you can offer us beads of wisdom from your lengthy experience in Royals, especially since we are a budding guild.
    d. You are female. This would help to ensure that we continue to maintain the female dominance established within the guild.
    e. Your NX wardrobe in-game is fantabulous.
    f. You even created a __________ to protect little bois like me who were struggling from hit-and-run ksers in GS2. Greatly appreciated.

    [STRIKE="4. Candidate 4
    a. You are rather fond of potatoes. We agree that they are nutritious, fulfilling and … rather intriguing.
    b. Your leadership abilities are highly impressive. The guild believes that you can take us to greater heights should you be willing to take the lead. Disregard the blatant bootlicking.
    c. As a veteran player, you can offer us beads of wisdom from your lengthy experience in Royals, especially since we are a budding guild.
    d. You are a ________/__________. We enjoy the refreshing class diversity that such unorthodox classes promote.
    e. You are female. This would help to ensure that we continue to maintain the female dominance established within the guild.
    f. We love your firm and no-nonsense approach that can be handy in taming the beast(s) in guild. It's great how you're always calm, and adding a twist of humour in to defuse the situation, despite how infuriating people can be at times."]4. Candidate 4
    a. You are rather fond of potatoes. We agree that they are nutritious, fulfilling and … rather intriguing.
    b. Your leadership abilities are highly impressive. The guild believes that you can take us to greater heights should you be willing to take the lead. Disregard the blatant bootlicking.
    c. As a veteran player, you can offer us beads of wisdom from your lengthy experience in Royals, especially since we are a budding guild.
    d. You are a ________/__________. We enjoy the refreshing class diversity that such unorthodox classes promote.
    e. You are female. This would help to ensure that we continue to maintain the female dominance established within the guild.
    f. We love your firm and no-nonsense approach that can be handy in taming the beast(s) in guild. It's great how you're always calm, and adding a twist of humour in to defuse the situation, despite how infuriating people can be at times.[/STRIKE]

    [STRIKE="5. Candidate 5
    a. You seem to get along well with several players spread across all demographics. PRing at its best!
    b. As a veteran player, you can offer us beads of wisdom from your lengthy experience in Royals, especially since we are a budding guild.
    c. You are helpful even to new players whom you don’t know well. Genuine acts tend to go a long way.
    d. You are a ___________. ___ slaves are always highly appreciated.
    e. In line with your PRing abilities, you are good at diffusing a difficult situation and taking a neutral, objective approach to handling tension. An example is how you kindly explained the pricing policy of ______ in the server from various guilds.""]5. Candidate 5
    a. You seem to get along well with several players spread across all demographics. PRing at its best!
    b. As a veteran player, you can offer us beads of wisdom from your lengthy experience in Royals, especially since we are a budding guild.
    c. You are helpful even to new players whom you don’t know well. Genuine acts tend to go a long way.
    d. You are a ___________. ___ slaves are always highly appreciated.
    e. In line with your PRing abilities, you are good at diffusing a difficult situation and taking a neutral, objective approach to handling tension. An example is how you kindly explained the pricing policy of ______ in the server from various guilds."[/STRIKE]

    Candidate 6
    a. As indicated by your forum conduct and general behaviour, you are a troll. We believe this would contribute greatly to the light-hearted atmosphere of the guild.
    b. It’s really cool that you are in game _________. That’s a really underwhelming way to put it, but indeed taking up something and moulding it from scratch with a team is pretty admirable and inspiring.
    c. Your brand of humour would also fit in nicely with the troll-ey nature of the guild. This is accentuated by your proficiency with writing and story________ in general.
    d. As a veteran player, you can offer us beads of wisdom from your lengthy experience in Royals, especially since we are a budding guild.
    e. (´ ▽ ` )ノ
    f. Your forum signature is particularly striking.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
    Paradox, Bulba, Kin and 10 others like this.
  4. DemSheddy

    DemSheddy Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Country Flag:
    Jeremy, oh Jeremy. In the previous server, he proudly holds the title of being the slowest leveller in the server, reaching 5x after 6 months of gameplay. Like Casper, he now serves the useful purpose of negative motivation, ie.”woooow you’re even slower than aceofshit”. He is also rather adept at Pokemon competitive battling, especially for his age.

    nonthanasin likes this.
  5. iceicebabey

    iceicebabey Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Fuck plushie
  6. Music

    Music Donator

    Jun 6, 2014
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    I ani't no SLAVE LEECHER ): !!
  7. Doritos

    Doritos Donator

    Feb 13, 2014
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  8. Dibs

    Dibs Member

    May 18, 2014
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    Wtf WoT.
  9. Kerners

    Kerners Donator

    Apr 7, 2014
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    Pls now you at least have something to read while at work
  10. Vivienneex

    Vivienneex Donator

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Plz sign up we will overthrow Mao.
  11. Geox

    Geox Donator

    Aug 18, 2013
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    "Bry is a dumb kid with a good heart and a bad schedule."

    Got that right.
    iceicebabey likes this.
  12. Yaoi

    Yaoi Donator

    Apr 7, 2014
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    "He takes a liking towards 3DS games, rhythm games, girly activities, chipotle, banh mi and extra pho."

    Paradox, annaapplex and iceicebabey like this.
  13. illuminate

    illuminate Donator

    Dec 13, 2013
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    Wow a butt load info to read, so i skimmed through it! nice guild Teddie :)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
    Serpent likes this.
  14. NonY

    NonY Member

    May 14, 2014
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    Profile: An ex-GM of high calibre who snuck in here unexpectedly. His favourite quote is “sucks to suck” and that has gained widespread favour among the guild, since it is highly applicable to life in general. Noticeably, he is especially forward with those of the female species, much to Ngu’s dismay and jealousy.

    Nailed it.
  15. Vivienneex

    Vivienneex Donator

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Did not nail mine. I am a delicate young lady.
    Kin and Heidi like this.
  16. iceicebabey

    iceicebabey Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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  17. CloudedMusic

    CloudedMusic Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
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    What a joke.
  18. Heidi

    Heidi GM Intern

    Feb 8, 2014
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    no idea
    Country Flag:
    Mostly nailed, except the last bit. I'm actually pretty bad at doing mind numbing things, hence the reason everybody is quickly out levelling me
    Doritos likes this.
  19. Doritos

    Doritos Donator

    Feb 13, 2014
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    That's my excuse, don't steal it =P.
  20. Heidi

    Heidi GM Intern

    Feb 8, 2014
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    no idea
    Country Flag:
    I took it before you did!

    p.s. where on earth are you in game these days? ./divorce
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