I've noticed that some people on the server are using mac's which are compatible to play maple royals but this users don't get the full experience. I'm talking about mainly zaking. Zakum is most definitely the most important boss in maplestory v62 for his drops and decent Xp. Zakum most useful drops being the mastery books of course. All of these books you can't get from anywhere else and play such a huge role in every class (tt10 gen20 aca10) without these books the class is basically unplayable and useless. I find it unfair that Mac users don't have the privilege to play these classes to their full potential. I'm not sure how we could do it but I would like to make a suggestion to get these books some other way FOR MAC USERS ONLY. Some ways we could do this is exchange for mesons depending on the drop rate of the book, or some other way. I know this may ruin the nostalgia but I find it unfair that Mac users don't get these drops due to technical problems. Please leave some comments below on how you feel of this idea and if you like it how do you think we can get the books to this users fairly. Thanks
Well, be glad we have a Mac client. Nexon never bothered making one. I agree it's not fair, but it's not an easy thing to fix. The game was simply made for Windows, and I already think the staff did a great job on the current Mac client, since it's not too buggy. Most private servers don't offer a Mac client, btw. @ Doritos, downloading Parallels without paying (or Windows, for that matter) with e.g. a torrent is illegal.
Oh lol really? Well still, it's a good client and the staff tries their best to improve it. MR is still one of the very few PS with a Mac client.
MapleRoyals likely won't ever be fully compatible with Mac computers as the client was never designed to run on Macs. I can personally say that I have completed Zakum runs on a Mac but required to change graphics a few time on 3rd body when it started glitching.
I never once said that I wasn't grateful that there is a Mac client I was just asking for an alternative to getting mastery books rather than Zakum. This was just a suggestion and just letting the gm's know that some people don't have amazing Mac's and still can't do zak runs.
I also agree with this, but correct me if i'm wrong but the original point of this thread is not to criticize the mac client but to suggest an alternate way to obtain non-tradeable zakum books for users who are not able to obtain them. Myself, as a mac user have tried zakking several times. It's gotten to the point where I actually expect to DC every single time. The longest I've spent in there is about 8 minutes (thats GFXing like every 10 seconds lol). As you could probably imagine, being an NL without triple throw sucks ass. I get made fun of, my dmg sucks, and I don't really enjoy grinding/bossing anymore because I've been using L7 for 100+ levels lol. Back to what Ruaz said, I do agree that it is a little bit unfair to mac users who are unable to play their classes to their full potential. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY grateful that MapleRoyals has a Mac client but I really hope the staff can find a reasonable solution to this issue.
So, I'd like to hear what your suggestions are to get around this issue then. There is also no way of the client knowing if you are using a Mac or not so if anything gets decided, it would be able to be done by any player.
I think that maybe a meso exchange could be a good idea or something along those lines. Not too sure on how we would do it but I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement. If anyone ha any ideas please feel free to leave them below
The solution in GMS was just to let somebody else on your account. I kinda wish that was an option here.
I don't really think that should stop anyone. If you want to do it "by the books", don't type in a product key on the official version, and have it nag you after 30 days. It's slightly annoying but completely usable. I just find it amazing that given the huge amounts of software that are developed for windows only (only because it has the vast majority of market share, especially historically) that mac users don't have a version of windows installed. I know quite a few mac users at my university (laptops only of course, nobody uses their crappy desktops) and not a single one doesn't have bootcamp on at least one of their machines, because the osx environment is just lacking so many programs. OT: Aren't these mastery books common enough anyway? Would making them tradeable matter? Of course that doesn't mean you can get other untradeable items, like a zhelm, pendant, etc (does ht work? I assume not), but that's the price you pay for playing a windows game on osx I guess.
Why is it so hard to bootcamp into windows? I mean, you're already playing an "illegal" server, I'm not implying you should pirate anything, but what's stopping you?
I dont think that not playing the game to its full potential should be "the price you pay" because of the operating system you use. Making them tradable could be an option but I dont think it is possible. The only thing I can think of is maybe, if its possible to get an NPC to sell zakum 10 books. Making it just for Mac would be impossible.
Space? A 1 dollar usb drive is gonna give you enough space for windows xp. Time? If you have enough time for a zakum run, you have more than enough time to install windows.
There's a tradeBlock property for the untradeable skill books. If you set it to 0, maybe it'll allow you to trade 'em? Maybe add the untradeable mastery books to the bonus of GPQ? Though, that still may not be that accessible.
I feel like the most simple way to get around this issue would to change the properties of un-tradeable mastery books to whatever the staff feels is the most logical by either : A) Change these books from untradeable to tradeable between players, meaning that the price of the book would be determined by the status of the current market. (Ultimately controlled by the FM & the actual sellers of the book) B) Have these books be available from an NPC at a set price , controlled by the GMs/ staff C) Having these books placed into the users account manually by a GM/ staff. These are just the suggestions I came up with off the top of my head. I believe (in my personal opinon) that none of the 3 suggestions will not ruin the nostalgia of the server, or play a negative effect on the gameplay between users.