I didn't mean to sound like a spoiled bitch :/ But those conveniences didn't come at the server's expense. So instead of using "parents", the car was most likely free to use. My merchant argument was kinda weak. I concede ;; Honestly the wrap to fm and mandatory boat rides **** are what grinded my gears. I'm grateful for everything else.
They removed the fm button because they want to make the server just like the real one. For example , reason for being able to start a ludi party quest with 3 people was because the low population and it was hard to find players. Right now they have changed it back to 6 people to start the party quest because the population is extremely high, easy to find players In conclusion, I believe they are slowly changing everything back to the real maple would be.
Aw! You're ok! I can understand how upset the player base is. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't frustrated myself. I simply see it as a gateway to do other things while waiting, is all. I wish others would notice that as well.
yea but still dunno want to increase att speed or weapon att to increase dps lol. need to experiment in new sauce DD
Oh, very usefull item, ofc. It recure u to be online, logged in game, any DC - shop closed. Is server gonna even be stable enough? (i dont even talk about people's internes stability, let's pretend it is only their problem) As regular ticket user in regular maplestory i can tell u - regular store is huge disadvantage compared with hired merchants This changes made in priests/archmages and high levels glory. Other gonna suffer coz of hired merch high price
The new source is probably going to be great and improve the game.. But why the hell was it even released now? After reading through the bug list I just dont understand why it was released in its current state? Isnt there a beta section in the forums? Wasnt the new scource beta tested before release? I dont know man.. just seems like the new scource launch was rushed, for no reason at all really..
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/update-as-of-1145-jan-8.87462/#post-460146 go read the post. in short, more ppl = more bugs, which didnt happens in open beta. and also more ppl = more bug identification.
Having the FM market button, insta boat rides, etc. kind of ruined the "original MS nostalgic" experience and made it too private servery. The idea of royals was to give people the ability to play MS as it was back then. Adding all these private server-esque things kind of ruins that experience
Honestly, i agree! However 15 minutes to get from one location to another is way to long, you play games to have fun, not wait. considering how many people there are, not all the time you are going to get another person in the boat ride, so the time should be reduced IMO, but i don't mind insta teleport, its nice and quick.
Gonna agree that 15 min might be a bit long if its gonna be hard to find others on the boat to socialize with. But if it actually works better than it might seem like it will, I think that would be cool. Its not like people dont go afk for 15 min in fm every now and then, so going afk 15 min on the boat doing something else(youtube/google/IRL stuff etc.) should work out too if you dont find other players on the boat. Im not gonna take a side just yet on this feature. I wanna see how it goes after a week or so with the server back to "normal" funtionality. I wasnt hyped to hear about it at first, but now im kinda curious to see how this goes even with a (compared to gms) small playerbase
A good PC costs around 200 dollars these days. If your willing to spend 1000+ dollars on crappy MAC's then i'm sure you can get a PC.
Of course the new source better! It fixes all the problems the old source has! but lemme ask this.... WHERE IT AT DOE????