it appears that the GM's are having a rough start this new year, i believe it would be for the best to go back to the old source if possible for everyone sake including the gms. what is your opinion?
I've gotta hand it to 'em that they're committed to making the new source work but honestly it's a trainwreck in its current state and this is about a week of near-constant downtime now. Reinstate old source for the time being says I, an outdated server up is better than a new server down.
Going from old source to new source is a huge transition and you shouldn't be expecting things to run smoothly immediately. The developers of this game are working their butts off for this and I don't think things will revert back to the way it was. It's already come this far so just be patient.
Yeah, I get that they're trying and I'm not saying I don't appreciate it. But it's a bit hard to be patient when everyone (GMs included if I'm remembering Matt right) was under the impression this was a complete release, and then it turns out it's actually nowhere even remotely close to done because barely anybody helped with Open Beta for some reason or another and what we're going through right now is the stress tests, bugfixing, constant postponing of playtime and on-the-fly server patching that should've been happening quite a long time ago. We're in for a hell of a lot more downtime than this and "be patient" is going to wear thin as a rebuke very very quickly when you have 2000-2500 people that apparently didn't give a crap about the open beta and now wonder why the server goes down if it's poked too hard or looked at wrong after assurances things are done. Somebody in the chatbox provided a solution I liked of both advertising the livid hell out of open-beta to ensure people know about it and can't miss it (putting it on the vote page and the forums' chatbox announcements at all times would be a great start), and about twice a week instating a 4 or 6-hour period of the new source running in place of the old, from which they'd get user-data and server info to better their programming. Just the tiny bit from the few times the server was actually up has helped tremendously, so if open-beta proved impossible to get help with then a good solution would be to cut their losses and reinstate old source, but make sure new source gets a little testing at specific times of the week. Oh, this and transparency. There's a hell of a problem going on behind the curtains if the GMs are as in the dark as we are.
I would've supported postponing if this thread was made earlier. We are so far in. It might only take a week more for things to get fixed, as we can see progress in the stability of the server. I don't think they have made backups in the old source, so if they revert back, they might need to transition back the database to the old source. There's no guarantee that transitioning everything back to the old source would be free from problems. Transitioning back in itself may take 1-2 days.