Hi, this might be a little blunt coming from me since I'm a new player but this is what I've been seeing and a couple of my friends who I have been leveling with feel the same way. Ever since my friends and I reached level 50 we've been searching for hours, upon hours and I mean it. Hours. We're not talking about 1-2-3-4-5- hours we're talking about 8-14 hours a single day, sitting in the same spot, pressing one button for their secondary multi account. We searched every single channel, the same person would literally sit in the same location not moving even an inch, pressing one button. Going to go ahead and include a reminder that requesting to party with them is an instant declination, I took around 43 screen shots of being denied when asking to party or share the channel, just to prove my case. Make no mistake, I would share the map if I know I was there for a prolonged amount of time. Let me further elaborate how long these people actually stay in this map. Person A is training their alternate account at ghost ship 2 for 6 hours Person A transfers map to Person B (Guild Member) and then they train their alternative account for 6 hours. Person B then transfer the map to Person C, and you guessed it, a person from their guild with an alternate account. What is this thread about? I would like to recommend either adding additional channels to help players like myself or put a time limit on how long you can actually stay in the map before you get booted so the next person can actually train. Maybe it's just me feeling this way but most likely not. I know the majority of you may come off and just say I should search for a different training ground or look harder but you can't speak against what I'm saying because you didn't experience what new players like myself are experiencing. I am sorry for my rant, I just need to get it off my chest
There's alternative grinding spots you didn't try. GS5, FoG for close ranged classes and MP3 (when it gets a proper fix, more spawn..) Instead of adding more channels to grind on 1 spot, why not make other spots more appealing to grind on?
Zombies are also an option to train at in the lower 5Xs level range. STD's for ranged classes, and as stated above there's GS5 and FoG. GS2 is without a doubt faster, but it's far from the only option. Also I don't think kicking someone out of a map after a certain amour of time is at all a feasible idea. First of all does it reset when you go NPC or go to FM? And second, why force someone out of a map if they're willing to spend the time to stay there all day? I've spent many hours in one map grinding and would have been very upset if I got kicked out from it every so many hours. That ruins exp and for some night ruin motivation.
To be honest, the server nearly doubled in amount of active players this past month and there isn't really anything you can do about always finding full maps... you just have to settle for alternatives like Robb said
In GMS, thousands of people fought for one of 20 (sometimes less) spots. The other ghost ship maps aren't even that bad. Selkies are ~85-90% as good as slimys. You can make a lot of money at h/voodoos. Zombies are good, too.
From lvl 70-lvl 80-ish, Ludi Dungeon (Death Teddies, Master Death Teddies) is also OK grinding for a Priest, especially as we have double spawn on those maps.
I found the spawn at FoG and Coolie Zombies were exceptional when training my assassin recently. Not to mention training at ghost ship is pretty damn boring since you hardly have to move.
My Friend.. I went today and partied with a player and trained myself for a few hours. I had no problem. Second of all. The map is huge! you can always go to the right most side where no one is ever at and kill! (This is not ksing, why would it be, you are not attacking any mobs the other player is attacking.) Thirdly! This server is 4x exp! I had good exp off killing axe stumps! Explore a little and you will find alternative and even better training areas because of what you can farm!
GS2 is one of the smallest training maps in the whole of maplestory. If they ask you to leave, and you don't, it's ksing and is bannable. Whilst I agree that duoing at lower levels is way more efficient than soloing, if the person that is already there doesn't want to play dice there is nothing you can do but leave them in peace or risk a ban.
When you say OK grinding, do you really think it is efficient? I may head there soon! Also, Can you please tell me which map is best for Coolie Zombie Training please? Thanks a ton!
I don't know about you but I've had reasonable success in finding a party/people to grind with at GS2 when coming with nothing (as in alone/guildless/unknown character). All I had to do was ask. Most of the people that declined me had a buddy coming over, or I just got INCREDIBLY lucky with finding cool people. But, in addition to all the hassle when it comes to claiming a map, I feel like there are no set rules as to when you're free to take a map, and when/if someone who leaves to repot/npc their inventory are still entitled to the channel. Everything is prone to players individual interpretation; What are you/are you not allowed to do when going away from a popular map and still be able to claim ownership? My personal opinion on this would probably be: Going afk to pee Going to town to NPC equips Going to town to repot Relogging after a disconnect Going to refill a glass of water All of these are in a short time span, probably less than 3 minutes, depending on how fast your character can travel and how long the walk is back to the map. When you leave for a short period of time there are usually loot still on the ground when you get back (unless you're me and grind poorly and let your pet loot everything on the ground). The reason this conversation was brought up with me and my guildies is that no matter how many alternatives you give to people, they will always be lazy but efficient (or most of them will), and they will struggle to find the best possible grinding spot. 90% of the playerbase don't feel like it's worth the effort to go to GS5 instead of GS2, or Coolie Zombies. The only real alternative is Voodoos, because they give better exp and drop Heartstoppers, but the spawn is terrible.
May I refer you to this. http://royals.ms/forum/showthread.php?t=6854 Spawns have been buffed, it was a while ago, though, so some newer players may be unaware of it. I'd suggest testing these spots out!