I saw a level 17 and wanted to help him level up by killing some mobs for him in HHG1. He does not get any exp when he is in my party. Okay, I realize this isn't a bug just the way you have party exp set-up but GMS was not like this in v62
As long as the party member no more than 5 levels less than the monster they will get EXP. However depending on how high your own level is, they may only get 1 EXP per kill. I am not sure if it can give 0 EXP.
okay you're right. I just partied a lvl 8 and he says he gets some exp. (im 53) at HHG1. But are you 100% sure the must be 5 levels below or less to get exp existed at v62? Because I remember getting angry about it being added sometime aftr 62..
how come I don't gain any bonus party exp? like the guy described? I think you';re rightI'm starting to remember attacking my party members mobs so that I'd get exp. when I attacked them and he killed them, it would override the 5 below rule and treat me as a participant.