Polar bear chair is still untradeable. Halloween umbrella is still untradeable Will roll for a random winner as soon as one of the items are tradeable.
Would you mind giving my scrolls to the IGN Silverstaff? She's in your guild I think. Thanks for holding on to them so long for me! Been super busy with midterms so it's been hard to find a time to come on recently.
Updated the contender lists, everyone should be added as of this post. Sure, if I don't catch her around I don't mind just holding em for you. no its not over yet, Polar bear chair and Umbrella are still untradeable. As soon as one of the items get tradeable I will choose a random winner for that item. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/polar-bear-chair-not-trade-able.88737/#post-468155
Just found out that Polar Bear Chair is tradeable by drop trading it, thanks to @Foxi for being brave enough to test it! Will select a random winner in some hours.