If instead of sleeping you'd spend some time reading for example our announcement posts, you'd know we're currently working on the cashshop.
Its still sad we went from 1k players to 100-200, by the time everything is finally fixed im not sure we'll even rise from our ashes. I loved the server but damn this is taking a long time..
I'm fairly sure that i'm not allowed to speak about other servers but there's a perfect example of a server that also was a rank1/2 server, also died the same time as royals lost most of player base, and they didnt even give any info on why the server died. After 3 months they decided to wipe everything and start the server again, now that server is having 1800 players online all the time, and is pretty much killing other servers of same version, and will be a undisputed rank 1 on gtop from next month, since nobody can do more votes than them (2.5k daily). Anyone that keeps up with the scene will know what server i'm talking about. And this i'm fairly sure is enough of a proof for everyone that yes, once MapleRoyals gets functional again - server will be back to it's old glory with 1.5k players daily. That's also motivation for GM's in case they were doubting whether the players are gonna come back, yes we will x) You got a ton of people like me, that are visiting forum time by time and not playing the game, because we're waiting for it to be working all again January 1 - March 21 = 79 days (avg. of 30 days per month, 2.66 month)
Considering 300 people have viewed this thread, and that you can scroll down on the forum and see that there is usually no less than 700 people visiting/ 24hours, I think we'll be fine. Their working at it, nothing else can be asked of them.
I can't tell if you're being serious or not. Do you not understand the concept of time, how many days there are in a month...?
How do you know? lol All you can see is my MP/HP washing INT Page. :3 Edit: I mean come on, look at him. All sad and naked. So innocent.
I just hope it gets enabled again before all the pets die. That's probably only thing people are gonna be pissed about.
Costs less than 1 days voting worth of NX and the quest is REALLY easy. And yeah, that's the plan, to be more like the original maple, along with boats, no more FM button, etc.
Now THAT is what I want. I want to ride the ludi train again. I was sad that it wasn't there originally and it just immediately moved you to ludi.