Seeing as the badge drops work correctly, could we please have the CW exchange quests as a motivation to train in CW? I think that the reason it doesn't currently work is because of having a pre quest that is uncompletable? So could the pre quests be waived?
I suspect that these quests would need to be customized a bit for Maple Royals considering that we've got 2x drop rate.
No, because most of what's in them is junk. Do bear in mind that certain drops for the Showa exchange quest aren't available, so you can't win BWGs etc from that.
60% Cape INT is definitely not junk. I would be concerned about one reward though from CWK Exchange Quest... the GM Scroll for 1h Sword
You can't get any 60%s from the Orbis Exchange Quest. Nor can you get any from the Showa exchange quest. Compared with these, the CW exchange quest is OP.
OK, my bad, I missed that one! But it's the only one in there. Nothing much else of value in Orbis exchange quest, unlike in the CW exchange quest.
Everything sounds awesome, just adjust the drops to a suitable amount. Those quests were not too terribly easy to begin with. And the level req. is up there. Since the exp is the way it is, the average player level on royals is certainly higher than in GMS at this stage, so a scalar multiplier by a factor of 2 on the drop rate might not be sufficient, but it's close. As far as that gm scroll goes, I think that will have to be wiped out of the books. We all know what happened to GMS when gm scrolls came into play...
When I went to test Windraider spawn for my suggestion thread, I was there for like 20 minutes and didn't get a single badge. I am all for the Crimsonwood exchange quest.
In regards to your thread, I had a thread up about the same thing a while back. Check it, The spawn before was hideous. (check the thread) Matt made it better, but yeah, it's still not the best as you guys pointed out. Especially on the far left platform which only spawns 3 max. I remember in GMS that platform could accumulate at least 8 if left untouched. But yeah, they don't drop badges. Trained there 55-72 on my assassin.
Off topic a bit but how do you train there at level 55 when they're level 70 monsters? o.o Can you even hit them at that point? Will have go and try now I hit 55..
please do fix it, the badges I got by killing those pale, soulless ghoul knight thing has pile up in my inventory for so long, as well as the Tao of Harmony, shadow and sights that I have. The item forging must be fixed.