I've noticed this while leeching Sometimes (often but not really a big problem) when I go up in a rope/ladder to use my buffs, the character keeps "dancing" like it does when you buff But it never stops "dancing", and the buffs doesn't go on, untill I move out the rope/ladder (walking, jumping is not allowed because of the "dancing" move) And then buff again at the floor. This is not something really importante to be focused at, it's just annoying and could be fixed whenever it's possible.
I don't think this is a glitch. I think this happens when you're only buffing on ladders/ropes. It doesn't matter if you're moving around, your buff limit will only reset when you cast them somewhere else. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, this never happened to me before, and been happening really often now. that's why I called it a glitch.
Silly question but what are the skills used that caused the issue you described? Perhaps indicating it would be of help. Personally I've never experienced what you said and I've always buffed while on rope.
I've been testing it, to find out if it's on an especific skill or general. I can't be 100% sure about it, but looks like it only happens with Holy Simbol. And as I said before, it's not EVERY time, but it's very often... I'd say 1 in 10 times.
It sounds like you're describing one of the things I think its intended to stop botters. Even if you move all over the map, if you go back to the same rope to buff, i think after a while it still stop you from doing so until you recast your buffs in a different location. I remember there being a maximum number of casts that you could make in a certain spot back then, and it appears its one of the new things brought in with v83
@Enticing It would make sense if I didn't move at all, just buffing at the same place. But I'm leeching someone, so I'm walking, jumping, using other skills all the time.