HP washing gears Sword lv0 7int a/w 14m White Socks lv10 1int clean a/w50m Green Bandana lv10 11int 1slot a/w 40m Maple Shield lv20 9int 17matt 1 slot left plus 1 shield matt 60% s/b950m a/w1.15b sold Bathrobe(m) lv20 23int s/b500m a/w 600m Red Marker lv20 8int 5matt s/b 140m a/w 160m sold at a/w ragged cape lv25 10int a/w 110m Red Emerald Earrings lv30 8int 9matt s/b160m a/w 200m Raccoon Mask lv35 6int s/b 320m a/w 420m sold at s/b Amos' royal cape lv50 11int a/w65m sold in game Event scrolls spear att 100% event scroll X2 +2att +2 str a/w90m glove att 100% event scroll +2 att a/w225m Clean PGC & Ski PGC+3 att a/w 240m PGC+4att a/w340m sold x2 Sky Ski +97att no s/b yet Dark Scrolls x7 claw att 30% 18m ea x5 bow att 30% 13m ea Active in game: 15:00~17:00 GMT
Sure, Im active in game during 15:00~17:00 GMT IGN:Noee You can leave ur IGN so Ill try comtact u as soon as possible.
Noted, Ill be online after 12:00GMT or earlier. Btw Ill have another 4att clean PGC coming in stock if you are interested.