Discussion in 'Selling' started by Nine, May 26, 2017.
B>12 INT Green bandana IGN: Ibis
For 1b I will take the wand
You said sold 2 for the 17 int bathrobe. Do you have a third one?
Sorry sold that one a little while after the bump
I don't atm but I might scroll another one sometime
I wasn't taking any offers on it but I can give it to you for 1.05b or 3ws
a/w 12 int rac mask
White racc mask sold, added some dana's
7 int 3 slot mask sold, added 23 int F robe
B>17 int dana, 23 int robe, & 18 tma wg. ign SnortCocaine
B>17 int dana ign: chuchubinki
Added 23/7 M Thief Top and 7 Int White Racc mask
thief top and wand sold
Taru sold?
I'm not selling Taru totems
buyer has not responded so 23 int f robe, 9/9 wg, and 17 int dana are up for sale again
I'll buy 7 int mask
7 int mask sold
Separate names with a comma.