I'm just starting back up again and have no idea what class to pick. I'm somewhat funded. Have about 1.8 bil and a good 500 mil in scrolls on another character. Anything but a late so it's between pirate, bandit, or bowman. Any suggestions?
Bandits are broken right now(Rip Meso Explosion) Pirates are.....(can't believe ima say this) can be pretty fun. Corsairs can do a shitton of damage. Brawlers have cool skills and combos. Bowmen are my favorite class in any game no matter what. They also have good bossing with hurricane(Bowmaster) and a great party buff, SE. Overall, I'd pick bowman. Pirates are awful and bandits are broken. #ImNotBiased
Well not dits in particular, Chief Bandits are because their meso explosion skill does not explode any mesos and therefore does no damage.
Id always suggest a warrior or mage for starting out, but since you do have some funds and those arent part of the options id say bowman. You dont even need to have OP gear for people to want you in their bossing group. Plus the dps isnt bad if that sort of thing matters to you.
I think you should pick the class which is the most fun for you. I personaly preffer having more than 1 main (although I can't afford such a thing). In my opinion you should try and experience the classes you are interested at, and then choose what character to main. Gl in game~
Better choose the class as mage first if u pick those job like NL/BM without washing hp no ppl invite you for bossing
Not necessarily true @UpdateDelay. Point proven: I will always recommend for someone new to play the class they want to play first. HP washing is not mandatory, especially not for your first character. If you end up really liking the class you can always re-make if you want to HP wash it later. Chances are you might end up making another character anyway and decide you want to try something else out. In the time that I got my NL to 200 I also made: 16x Bishop 14x Bucc 15x ice lightning mage 12x bowman (aka SE mule) 83 priest (HS mule) and now I'm re-making my bucc to be fully HP washed. I have plans on making both a bandit and possibly another NL, one that might be HP washed. But, I was able to get to 200 and I was invited to more HT runs than I even chose to go on. @Prideful can attest to that - the amount of times he tried to ask me to go on HT runs and I declined because I didn't feel up to it. It isnt your HP that matters, as long as you know how to play the character.
Corsairs are expensive af if you wash not like NL or BM but they are expensive. I have invested more than 10b (actually less but that's what I have in gear if not more than that) into mine and I don't even have a perfect weapon yet+I am washing only to 7.6k @ 155. So it should cost at least 30-40b to get your stuff+washing (unless you want to be a weakling with huge base int). I say go with either Drk or a hero. Your funds are just enough to get a nice start. Drk are dirt cheap to wash. Or a bucc/shadower, if you want a "fun" character to play with because these are extremely fun to play. Shadower however, is even more expensive late game.
Corsair need to stay on ship to use their main attacking skill, battleship cannon. Ship has its own hp, takes damage from attacks, and goes on cool down if its hp reaches zero. If you wash a corsair too much, it will have high hp. Then when zakum does it's 1hp attack, your ship will take a lot of damage, and will go on cool down faster, so can't use battleship cannon anymore, and you do less damage.
I'm personally going for 7.6k @ around 155 because it is the middle ground for me - I don't need to mess with mp washing/base int for that (and be a weakling who can't freaking train without buying leech) just wear my int equips when I lvl up. It is not too much, but not too little. Many would recommend you to wash to 9k, but for a corsair it's an overkill imo. And on top of that, you need huge base int=low af dmg, if you are not buying leech all the way to 155 good luck with getting there. Don't forget you will be getting your natural hp later so after that your ship will die faster. Also many high leveled corsairs told me in game that 7.6k is more than enough. We don't nees heavy washing like NLs and BMs, but having a little bit if extra is nice. Get 110-130 int from equips and you are good. At worst, you will have just more mp. Always useful even if you will not wash to 7.6k for some reason.
Hmmm choosing class is always a big dilemma I own Hero, NL, BM and just decided to main a bucc which recently got to 120lv. So far I have to say I'm having lot of fun with it. And to be honest they are actually not that bad with dmg if you have good eq (which aren't that exp for bucc compared to other attackers). I think variety of skills is just amazing and I can't wait to max them all With bm I had quite decent gear 123att metus some 6att fs and 8att pgc and 14att wg but to be honest my dmg was pretty bad (151v)... Yes they are nice I love them but they kinda lacking in my opinion (unless u can afford 130+att bow, which are quite expensive). But at the end everything is up to your preferences my gf has corsair and always saying it's pain so she gave up on it for bm. If it would be my choice I would go with bucc since they don't req hp wash but u can wash it slightly even 20-30 washes gives nice hp boost. I also have 131lv bm not washed and gave up on it because I was dying all the time, remade washed bm. So if you can't afford to wash bm I wouldnt rly go with it. And yes I do have shad as well and hate it, makes my fingers bleed (sarcasm) but srsly if you don't own auto mouse or however it's called do not go with it... Hope these honest thoughts of mine will help you somehow to decide on your perf class Ps. With your funds you could get rly good knuckle even end game honestly 105att or so, as well as some other gear on top of that.