Hey peeps, I'm feeling pretty hipster, so if I'm gonna start playing this MapleRoyals, I wanna play the least played class (Beginners/Islanders not included). What would that be? I remember F/P Mages being one of the rarest in GMS. Does this hold true in MapleRoyals? Thanks.
This is pretty much the least 3 you'll see. Source: Crossbowman I stand corrected, this is probably the class you'll never see. I'm actually interested in making one, haha.
Surprisingly FP mages are getting rather popular now. There are several more popping up on the server. Still doesn't change the fact that the ranked are mostly inactive. :\ (There are only 7 on the mage rankings and 3 on the top 100 rankings... yelp!)
Fun fact: At one point in time, the top two archers on this server were both Marksmen, as well as three of the top five. Out of everything I'd say Paladin's are the least played, unless you want to count alternate builds. Then it's STR Mages. <3
1. Marksman 2. Axe Paladins 3. Fire Poison Sorcerer's 4. Battlewizards 5. Sindits? 6. The Toronto Raptors 7. Real Paladins 8. Meso exploders 9. GMs 10. Horntail killers
Actually I'm currently the only active axe hero. There was one other but he's not active right now. And there's a couple, at least, axe crusaders running around too. But only two have made it to hero so far.
Buccaneer used to be the least played class by far, but theres 5 active ones right now, so guess that doesn't fly anymore.