IGN (Name): exodiusZ Job/Level: Soon to be night lord, 4 days of leeching currently lvl 65 , 18k hp nL (hope so) Country: Malaysia Time Zone: GMT+8 Why you want to join Exile: looking for an active local bossing guild, after all it's my first attacker char ! Lot of guidance and tips would be needed for future bossing events! Haha thank you!
Welcome to Exile! Please drop us a PM in game when you are online. I'm sorry that I couldn't add you for now as GM tabs are disabled.
IGN: Norvasc Name: Nathan/Nate Time Zone: PST USA Job: Fighter Level: 36 Country: USA Why I want to join: I want to join is because I like the guild's name and purpose. I can bring a different dimension to your guild due to my time zone. I hope my level is not a deterrent from letting me in. Furthermore, I'm outgoing and love to have fun on boss runs. Leveling as fast as I can. School ends in one week. Thank you!
Lovely Welcome to Exile! Please drop us a PM in game when you are online. I'm sorry that I couldn't add you for now as GM tabs are disabled.
IGN (Name): HoIoHoIo Job/Level: NL 138 Country: Singapore Time Zone: GMT+8 Why you want to join Exile: I want to join a bossing guild in my timezone, as it will be easier to find boss runs.
Welcome to Exile! Please drop us a PM in game when you are online. I'm sorry that I couldn't add you for now as GM tabs are disabled. @Battōsai
IGN (Name): xLegendaryX Job/Level: 126 Bishop Country: Israel Time Zone: GMT +2 Why you want to join Exile : Cuz I'm looking for a nice active guild that I can chat with while playing do some bossing in the future and ofc ask for p/c as we all do
Thank you for showing interest to Exile. Unfortunately, we noted that we may not accept Bishops/Mages in our guild for now. As for reason, our guild is almost full and we have too many bishops and mages inside for now. Unless you are all-ready for bossing, JRs and I will discuss for your exceptional. Perhaps we'll have to wait Guild Master tab is resume, we will clear out the guild, kicking out the inactive ones. By then we will accept new bishops/mages whom are active in bossing. Sorry if we disappoint you but we hope that you can understand us. We will keep you in mind, don't worry!
IGN (Name):SplitSecond Job/Level: 160 Bowmaster Country: Malaysia Time Zone: GMT +08 Why you want to join Exile : Coz me wana hang out with my sg/msian buddies . US based guilds are always quiet during my active periods.
Welcome to Exile! Please drop us a PM in game when you are online. I'm sorry that I couldn't add you for now as GM tabs are disabled.
IGN (Name): XiaoRyu Job/Level: 125 Bishop Country: Singapore Time Zone: GMT+8 Why you want to join Exile : Looking for active guild to boss and strive for our goals together~
As discussed on Private message, welcome to Exile! Please drop us a PM in game when you are online. I'm sorry that I couldn't add you for now as GM tabs are disabled.
BUMP~ We are now looking for more attackers in our guild! Sorry that we may reject Bishops and Mages for joining us. Bishops who are active and ready for bossing may have chance to join us! Drop us a complete form here. Spoiler: 'Application Form' IGN : NAME : JOB & LEVEL : TIMEZONE / COUNTRY : ABOUT YOURSELF : Our JRs will invite you after approval!*Guild Master tabs are now disabled*
IGN : Amymator ( Mage ) Amytator ( Thief ) Amynator ( Warrior ) NAME : Amy JOB & LEVEL : From left to right | 19 | 31 | 41 | TIMEZONE / COUNTRY : Holland GMT + 1 ABOUT YOURSELF : Well I love to play games, socialise with others while I do so and love to have fun in Mapleroyals with a funny and friendly guild!
IGN (Name): Kurukochi Job/Level: Night Lord/120 Country: Singapore Time Zone: GMT+8 Why you want to join Exile: im lonely and need friends to talk to. And able to ask for advice when I need it.
Welcome to Exile! Please drop us a PM in game when you are online. I'm sorry that I couldn't add you for now as GM tabs are disabled. Please try to PM Derkz / KanamiSama if you are online now
IGN (Name): Flyerr Job/Level: Night Lord/151 Country: Malaysia Time Zone: GMT+8 Why you want to join Exile: erm.. need friend
Welcome to Exile! Please drop us a PM in game when you are online. I'm sorry that I couldn't add you for now as GM tabs are disabled. Please try to PM Derkz / KanamiSama / PPlease if you are online now