Made individual threads for the items. ================================================================= Accepting CS/WS@500m, B coins, mesos, whateva Whisper NotEric in-game or post here/PM me Items will be sold when I deem the offer to be satisfied to my standard. Spoiler: Transaction History 188tma Ele Wand 5 c/o: 3b @Joe6337 a/w: 3.5b 11STR+12WA. equivalent to 14wa. c/o: 700m @CaXiew a/w: 850m c/o: 850m @Anthrodynia a/w: 1b c/o: 850m in-game a/w: 1.2b c/o: 1.5b @originalzer0 a/w: 2.1b c/o: 500m in-game a/w: 600m s/b: 4b c/o: 4b @ABunny a/w: 7b S/b: 3.5b ingame @Feng116 a/w: 4.5b 8wa FS (Willing to trade for Elemental Wand of equivalent value) c/o: a/w: 9 WS 29tma Esther Shield c/o: a/w: 1.6b 20INT Green Bandana (x2) a/w: 450M c/o: none a/w: 16b c/o: 10WS + 1.5b = 5.5b @JOEY1229 a/w: 7b c/o: 300M a/w: 600M S/b:900m A/w:1.3b c/o:None a/w:9 WS 189 TMA Ele Wand 6 C/o: 1.5b @Liouooo A/w: Max Mesos S/B: 1.4b C/O:SOLD A/W: 1.6b A/W: 950M S/B: 120m C/O:SOLD INGAME A/W: 150m S/B: 850M C/O:SOLD A/W: 1.1b Genesis 20 Skillbook A/W: SOLD ingame S/B: 1.3B C/O:SOLD A/W: 1.4B S/B: 100M C/O:GAVE AWAY A/W: 175M S/B: 900M C/O: SOLD A/W: 1.1B S/B: ???? C/O: SOLD A/W: 1B S/B: 700m C/O:SOLD A/W: 800M+3% Tax S/B: 130M C/O:GAVE AWAY A/W: 200M Spoiler Oops, it turned into this. Spoiler Ummm well now it's this. c/o: a/w: