I was thinking of waiting for the weekend to be over to see if any more offers came in. If you want I can just sell now if you can do me a favor and help me with half the expected tax on the 500m item. I'd appreciate it, but it's ok if you wouldn't mind waiting several more days Someone offered 550m just now Kincy counter offer at 600m SOLD at 777m to @Kincy
yep, whats your ign? I haven't been on as much lately but I'll be glad to meet up to sell it. I can be on around the same time as the msg you just sent me if that makes stuff easier
I'll take note. I'll hand it over for 40m if you'd like it now, otherwise I'll wait a tiny bit and see if anyone wants to offer more
I don't have an a/w and I am not doing auction atm, just looking for offers. Once I get some decent offers I'll prob set a date where I'll do the closing deal