Hihi, when you vote on the Royals website, it will bring you to a new tab. You need to solve the captcha and vote, then only you will able to receive NX.
i know that its not the first time i vote i just meant that it not let me get nx from the last 2days i can just retry to vote anytime but not getting any nx
I cannot see any successful or failed votes from the account that this character is on - even previous to the last two days. Are you sure you are entering the correct account name when attempting to vote, and completing the procedure on gtop100 fully?
Are you playing any other servers? I've noticed that you can only vote for one server using gtop100 per IP, so you have to choose which you want to vote for.
yep i try to vote just on this acc havent voted on other acc or other servers.. it just let me get in gtop everytime and make the captcha but nothing happend i can do it 1000 times and nothing happends :/ Getting this massage on left side before i get into the gtop site " Notice: Undefined index: captcha in /home/html/pages/vote.php on line 55 Notice: Undefined index: captcha_code in /home/html/pages/vote.php on line 55"
Those messages are just warnings, can be ignored, and do not affect the voting process at all. I've checked the vote log again and since the gtop100 pingback script was implemented (to check if you actually vote on gtop100) you have not gained any NX at all on the account which has the character sTyLeLowDex on it. To clarify - this account has not gained any NX since at least 19th March. I even tried checking your current IP to see if that is in the vote log and it isn't. You are either entering the wrong account name or not completing the voting process fully.