Realized i'm pretty broke, been holding onto a bunch of crap with no intention of actually doing somethin with em, so might as well sell them! Prices aren't my forte so some (prolly alot) items may not have a price to it, however if something is completely off, please let me know but i'm happy to take offers and negotiate. I also reserve the right to refuse to sell an item if need be. Prepare yourselves for a clusterfuck of stuff... Warriors Equips: 92 Att/5 str Pyrope Rohen Clean x2 - 80m 93 Att/6 str Pyrope Rohen Clean - s/b 90m 84 Att/4 str Pyrope Rohen Clean - 10m 103 Att Clean Sparta - 2m 83 Att/1 str Pyrope 1H Clean - 91 Att/3 str Pyrope 1H Axe Clean - 92 Att/6 str Pyrope 2H Axe Clean - 92 Att/2 str Pyrope Hammer Clean - 92 Att/3 str Pyrope Hammer Clean x 2 - 86 Att/2 str Pyrope Spear Clean - 25m 94 Att/4 str Pyrope Spear Clean - s/b 100m 89 Att/3 str Pyrope Hellslayer (Pole Arm) Clean - 95 Att/4 str Pyrope Hellslayer (Pole Arm) Clean - sold for 20m 91 Att/2 str Pyrope Sword (1h) Clean - 30m 10 str/2 dex Dark Emperor Clean - 3m 10 str/7 dex Dark Emperor Clean - 5m 9 str/ 5 dex Purple Imperial Clean - 4m Mage Equips 7 matt Clean Purple Gaia Cape x2 - 20m 6 matt Clean Purple Gaia Cape x2- 15m 10 int/5 luk Orange Calaf (Female) Clean - 30m 10 int/3 luk Dark Calas (Male) Clean - 30m 8 int/6 luk Purple Enigma Shoes Clean - offer 97 TMA Maple Pyrope Wand Clean - s/b 125m 99 TMA Maple Pyrope Staff Clean x2 - s/b 150m 91 TMA Maple Pyrope Staff Clean - 75m 5 int Blue Jewelry Shoes Clean - 25m 159 TMA Ele Wand 6 Clean - s/b 350m 153 TMA Ele Wand 6 Clean - s/b 50m 151 TMA Ele Wand 6 Clean - 30m 150 TMA Ele Wand 6 Clean - 20m Thief Equips 55 att/6 luk Dragon Purple Sleeve Clean - 75m 53 att/11 luk Red Craven - 20m 87 Att Pyrope Halfmoon Clean - 85 att Pyrope Halfmoon Clean - 81 att Pyrope Halfmoon Clean - 3 luk Maple Thief Shield Clean - 2 luk Maple Thief Shield Clean - 5 dex/8 luk Red Pirate Top (Male) Clean - 3 dex/10 luk Red Pirate Top (Male) Clean - 7 dex/7 luk Dark Pirate Top (Male)Clean - 3 dex/8 luk Maroon Moon (Female) Clean - 6 dex/9 luk Red Pirate Pants (Male) Clean - sold for 50m 4 dex/8 luk Red Pirate Pants (Male) Clean - 36 Att/3 luk Pyrope Skanda Clean - Bowman Equips 8 Att/7 str/8 dex Red Arcina - 40m 105 att Clean White Neschere - offer sold for 150m 113 Att White Nisrock 0 slot - 50m 108 Att White Nisrock 0 slot - 5m 84 Att Maple Pyrope Bow Clean - 10m Pirate Equips 62 att/ 9 str Pyrope Knuckle Clean - 5m Common Equips Clean Red Sock (1att 7slot) - 600m sold for 530m 8 int Amos Cape - 50m Clean Yellow Adventurer Cape - 25m 6 str Clean Blue Bandana - 1m 1 int Clean White Christmas Sock - 20m 3 int Clean Red Marker - 20m sold for 50m Halloween Pumpkin Hat - 15m 9 Att Work Gloves - 40m Chairs Poor Ribbon Pig Chair x2 - 65m Christmas Gift Box Chair - 65m Storytime Chair - 65m Arkarium Storytime Chair - 65m Stirge Seat x4 - 7.5m Amorian Loveseat x2 - 100m
I'll buy your 3 int red marker at 20m and 5int blue jewelry shoes. Pls keep it for me ty. Ign sugary27
Unfortunately I already sold my 3 int red marker, the 5 int shoes are still available though, i'll hold it for u