Mount guide (for new source) Introduction: As of new source, the quests for obtaining the different mounts has changed and it seems like several people are struggling with these quests. Hopefully this little guide will help with that =]. Mounts are a great source of mobility to classes who otherwise don't have any mobility skills (mainly warriors, buccaneers and bowmen). There are 3 different mounts obtainable, Hog, Silver Mane and Red Draco, which give 150%, 170% and 190% speed, and 120%/123% jump. To ride a mount, you need the beginner skill "Monster Rider", a saddle and a tamed monster, all of which are obtainable through quests. Here's how to obtain the skill and the different mounts available in MapleRoyals. Hog: 150% speed, 120% jump Requirements: Lv. 70, 3rd job To start the quest, head to Kenta in Aquarium Zoo. There should be a quest available called "Monster Riding". Kenta then asks you to collect 5 Kenta's Report and 5 Pheromone. Click on Kenta and select the option "I would like to try to protect the Watch Hog". You will then be transported into Kenta's Breeding Room. Inside there are a few boxes and a hog. The hog regularly drops Pheromone while the boxes drop Kenta's Report. Theres a 5 minute time limit as well as aliens attacking the hog, and if the timer runs out or the hog dies, you will get warped out, lose your quest items and you will have to start over. Once you have the items, talk to Kenta at the top of the map to get warped out. Once you've collected the Kenta's Report and Pheromone, talk to Kenta to complete the quest and you will gain a Saddle and the Monster Rider skill. There should now be a quest available called "Pheromone Perfume". Kenta will ask you to go get Dragon's Perfume Bottle from Chief Tatamo in Leafre. Head to Leafre and talk to Chief Tatamo. There should be a quest available called "Dragon's Perfume Bottle". This quest requires 20 million mesos. Finish the quest to get rewarded with the Dragon's Perfume Bottle. Go back to Kenta and complete the quest. You will be rewarded with a Pheromone Perfume. Next you need to catch the actual hog. To do that, head to The Area of Wild Hog, which is accessible through a hidden portal in Tiger Ridge in Korean Folk Town. There you will find a hog running around. Walk over to the hog and use Pheromone Perfume to catch it. You should then see a Hog appear in your equipment inventory. Double click the hog and the saddle and use the Monster Rider skill to ride it! The hidden portal to The Area of Wild Hog can be found here, in Tiger Ridge. Silver Mane: 170% speed, 120% jump Requirements: Lv. 120, level 3 hog To access the quest for silver mane, you need at least level 3 hog. To level up your hog, simply use it until it gains tiredness, then use Revitalizer. Your hog will then gain experience depending on how much tiredness was restored. 45 exp is required for it to hit level 3. Revitalizer can be bought from Doofus in Henesys Market. Once your hog is level 3, a quest called "Silver Mane" should be available at Kenta. Kenta will ask you to collect 400 Skull Shoulder Pad, 400 Wooden Shoulder Pad, 600 Rexton Leather as well as 50 million mesos. Once you have collected the items, talk to Kenta to complete the quest and gain Silver Mane. (Note: You have to unequip hog in order to be able to complete the quest) Red Draco: 190% speed, 123% jump Requirements: Lv. 200, Silver Mane To access the quest for red draco, you need to be level 200 and have a Silver Mane. There will be a quest called "Dragon Rider" available at your respective 4th job instructor. Accept the quest, unequip your mane and finish the quest to receive your red draco. NX mounts: Requirement: a normal mount. These mounts, like nx clothing, are just cosmetic reskins for your mount, meaning they don't work on their own and require either a hog, silver mane or red draco to be used. To use one, simply buy a package with a saddle and mount from cash shop, and double click them in your inventory to equip them on top of your normal mount. Feel free to comment if i missed anything or got anything wrong. NOTE: There is currently a bug where if you have a hog from the old source, the quest for Dragons perfume bottle/silver mane wont show up. You will have to drop your old source hog if that is the case.
Hi, i've gotten my Hog before the new source and im now planning to upgrade it to Silver Mane. I was just wondering if i still have to complete the all the Hog quest. (Since there was no need to do the quest pre-new source)
If your hog is lv3+ and you are 120+ and the silver mane quest doesnt show up as available in your quest window, then it seems like you have to do the hog quests.
I tried redoing the quest, finished the protecting the hog quest and was suppose to talk to chief tatamo but nothing appears, any idea why?
Nice guide! Just thought I'd let you know that the requirement for a hog is third job advancement not level 70. So permanent beginners can't ride a hog.
Having this same issue, as well. Chief Tatamo gives me no quest regarding the Dragon Perfume Bottle. Help?
are you redoing the quest? Did you get the hog last year *old source*? If thats the case, the quest from Tatamo ( "Dragon's Perfume Bottle" ) is not available because you already have a hog. To fix it for my char, i dropped my old hog (the hog only, not the saddle) and "Dragon's Perfume Bottle" quest/Tatamonpc became available. After getting new hog, Silver Mane quests become available.
Hey so regarding getting the 1st hog, I accepted the quest Pheromone Perfume, but when I talk to chief tomago there is no Dragon's Perfume Bottle quest
if you received the hog from old source, follow the steps listed above and try again! it worked for me
Great guide! Just want to add that you need 4th job for Silver Mane, just like you need 3rd job for Hog. Just being lv120+ doesn't cut it.
So if I got my hog from old source I will have to do the new source hog mission again to get silver mane? that's another 20 million. And Can GM fix this problem?
How do you check your hog's "tiredness" and level? It doesn't show up on my character info window. EDIT: nvm, found it, have to unequip pets.
RoyalsTip: When you got your hog mount before new source, and you need drop it and redo the quest, your new hog will have the same level/exp as the old one