Okay so, despite screwing up my own 200 party, all of you guys still came to attend this meaningless after-party to congratulate me anyways! Thank you guys (old and new soruce buddies & guildies) for these 2.5 years of unforgettable memories in MapleRoyals. The support I get from my bossing partners, the fun times in the FM, the motivation, etc. Thank you all, I am really happy and grateful for what you have done for me ^~^ FINALLY LVL200 AFTER 2 YEARS Shout out to: Legendary Bucc @Buccaneer if it wasnt for that race to 200, I wouldnt have made it to what I am today. You're the source of my motivation. Made me step up my ppl2pass game eh! Always 2 steps ahead of me. Was a good race m8! Bossing Partners (duo,trio OB4/BFs) @iSaind @XeLia @yaqzan @nany625 @sparky95 @Knattis @zizizi @GodlyBread @Kin @deLuna and many more (too many partners to tag)! You guys went hardcore and crazy with me on the boss runs for hours and hours (2pm~8am). You guys may find me a greedy person since I am always robbing you guys to help me out. Despite that, you guys came anyways and I really appreciate that! So, THANK YOU guys so much xD Rest of my friends (I might have missed out alot more) Thank you guys for all the support and fun memories here in Royals. How lucky I am to be able to meet such awesome people here hahaha! Will never forget the days we spent together and it will remain a memory to be cherished! MAN. IM STILL SAD THAT I **** IT UP. OH WELL. STAY AWESOME GUYS! #200noHTlyfe #succaneers #noobchi
Leveled up my Bandit to 50 and went to get a Zakum Helmet. Kept getting 13/14 Dex/Luk helmets. After picking up 7 helmets in total I was left with this... Spoiler Did another run shortly after receiving that terrible helmet. I believe there was like 5 attackers total with a Bishop. First a Dark Knight died due to pet autopot failing, then our Bishop died shortly after. If that couldn't get worse, we then lost our Bowmaster and Night Lord shortly after. In the end we had only 1 attacker left Fortunately the Helmet I picked up was decent, with 16 Dex / 17 Luk. I then somehow managed to land 8/10 60%'s on it, even though I have terrible 60% results. Spoiler All in all, worth it in the end.
https://image.filehostingsite/jJJ2Ea/sdfsdfsdf.jpg this is me becoming the #1 1 hand hero 32 att shield is ez !!! (only 7 slots to go )
lmfao 3 chaos hahaha I think in the future I will try make a 40att up shield f333 this is my mesos now (I couldnt even go to NLC to repot need 5000 mesos rip) https://image.filehostingsite/huhhfF/sdfsdfasdf.jpg
After screwing up enough scrolls on my own, decided to hand it over to @CaptainDre to scroll for me. Ez 2/5
After 6 days of hard work, I almost reach 3b... Thanks, those persons who support FamerInc. Next Project: Nonexclusive giving away up to 2b Budget! Those sales agents are well trained, they rock!