So apparently clicking on me for my personal info has started to DC people, including myself. Dizz can confirm this. Here's the error code that comes up.
I was thinking this might be the problem but I think Dizz put something on his wishlist but that didn't make people dc when looking at his character info either.
A couple of questions: 1. What did you add to your wishlist? 2. Did you recently buy a new pet and/or pet equips?
Stuff that I buy often, gach ticket packs, safety charm packs, AP resets, telerocks. And yeah, I recently bought a new monkey and a pet nametag, along with a banana for it. This was before the wishlist got fixed though.
Don't worry about it, for now I'm just walking around with a chalkboard saying "Warning: clicking me might dc you" I feel like this has probably caused more dcs than if I didn't have the chalkboard up, but at least people know why they're dcing.
Update: Gi has been testing it out and found that it's the (35) pack of Gachapwn tickets that have been causing the dc's.
Update: Have been fiddling around with the packets, it should be fixed next SC. Thank you for the report.