TL; DR This Price Guide needs contributors. You will be assigned a price lsheet where you enter purchase prices of scrolls. Main Price Guide Sample Price Guide that would be assigened to you While the updates for the new source have been trickling in, I have been working on a Scroll Price Guide. Now that the Cash Shop and FM stores are now open so this is the time where accurate pricing data can be collected. This pirce list requires active players to share their purchase prices of scrolls by entering them into a personal price sheet. The new up-to-date data is starting to be entered, so the list is reflecting the new source prices. If you choose not to help in this endeavour, you may still reference the Scroll Price Guide. However, if you are interested in working on this price list with me, please PM me and I will assign you your own price sheet. It would require you to add the price that a scroll sold for/you bought it for into your personal price sheet (I will assign to you). Your personal price sheet will find the min, max and average of all the scrolls prices you enter. The more up-to-date data that is added, the better the Scroll Price Guides's current prices will be. The guide is made up of three parts: Scroll Price Guide spreadsheet with sheets for each % of scroll; the personal price sheets; and the Calculator spreadsheet. The Scroll Price Guide spreadsheet pulls the data from the calculator. This would be the series of sheets for the community to reference. The personal price spreadsheets are the source of all the pricing data. These will be the sheets which are assigned to those who wish to help. And lastly, the Calculator spreadsheet, which pulls data from all the personal price spreadsheets to find the minimum, maximum and average prices. I will have sole access to this sheet so the formulae do not get tampered with. Here is a sample Personal Price sheet that would be assigned to you if you wanted to participate. Spoiler: Nerd Stuff The formulae used in the datasheets are the Min, Max and Average functions. The Calculator spreadsheet formulae start to get complicated because they are pulling data from multiple sheets. This isn't an issue in Excel but it is much more complicated in Google Sheets. To keep the averages accurate, the IF, IFERROR and Array functions need to be incorporated. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. Scroll Price List - Ver 1.0 (Old Source prices)
I'll start: I bought many [50] 60% 2H BW for Att scrolls for 300k. For 30% 2H BW for Att scrolls, I paid 500k each. I sold Crossbow for Att 30% for 1 mil. This was in March before the arrival of cash shop (before the return of dark scrolls from Mushroom Shrine).
If you do not want a personal price list assigned to you, prices can be shared through this google form. (It is also a work in progress and will be streamlined in the future) If you do want a personal price list assigned to you it will require a google account because it is a google sheet.
I have bought earring int and overall int 30% at around 26-30m range. 10% of the same scrolls are also around 5 to 5.5m. I saw people selling and buying overall int 60% for like 16-17m, 70% is much lower, about 11m or 12m. Sold CS for 350m recently, but I see people are buying now for even 375m...WS on other hand went down to as low as 250m. Makes NLC gacha not as good as it was imo. Prices are volatile af though Hope it helps
The average function doesn't make any sense here. Making an average from the max price and min price isn't helpful. It would only make sense if you got a large sample from every type of scroll being sold and then averaged all the the numbers. For example: the Cape for Str 10% scroll has a low of 250k and max of 2.2 mil. So, the average is 1.225 mil. With this info you can't tell which price was under priced and which was overpriced, making it an unhelpful metric for determining whether or not you are selling/buying at a good price. But, if you had a large sample size you could determine a good average. If most people were selling them for 1 mil and people were submitting that, then the average would be closer to the appropriate number, and therefore we could determine that 2.2 mil for a cape for str 10% is overpriced. What you have listed as "average" is actually median. Your intentions are good, but there is not enough data. (I'm sorry if I'm incorrectly interpreting your charts here)
I think I'm entirely wrong here actually, it's hard to determine since I can't see what goes into this. It seems like some of them actually are averages, while only a few appear as medians.
I am using the average function so I am calling it average. It is still a work in progress and there is a lot more I would like to do with it as well as the item and equip price lists. It definitely needs more current data but that requires players willing to help. Hopefully, when the FM opens back up more people will be willing to fill in a price list of their own so the data can be processed.
I think the price for shield for str and luk 30%are wrong. I don't think they are 9m or 35m. I think those are the prices for weapon attack and magic attack. Also check on glove for magic attack 30%. I don't think that's only 300k.
Those were actual prices scrolls sold for on the old source. I am currently looking for players to help build price lists for the new source.
GFMA 30% was about 30mil in old source. Give or take a couple mil. Shield magic attack 30% was about 35mil, give or take some. Shield weapon attack 30% was about 9mil. Shield str and shield luk have always been relatively worthless, so 300k would be correct. As OverReact said, you got them mixed up.
Do we really need a price guide? In the past this has created a system that has people only selling scrolls by the prices they see on these... "guides" which completely ruins the whole aspect of a FREE MARKET. I don't find these threads helpful, useful, or in any way necessary to any function of the game. They create a system that people trust in which the creator or any moderator of the list can control the prices of whatever scrolls they want. I really do not think a thread like this should be stickied at the very least.
On the other hand, I find them very heplful because it gives people a base line for what the prices generally tend to be. We all know the prices for scrolls barely vary more than a couple mill in either direction. They've always been around the same price, but someone who's new to the game would not know that shield magic attack 30% scrolls are worth more than shield weapon attack 30%. Especially without merchants, no ability to go and browse the FM to get an idea of prices.
I completely agree with you regarding the creator and moderator being in control of the prices and that is why I designed this list to pull prices from multiple sources. This would prevent one person from setting the price. Also, this list doesn't set a price; it shows the minimum, maximum and average price of each scroll. As Sila mentioned it sets a baseline. Even in a free market people need to have a good idea of what is selling, what isn't and for how much to sell items. This applies to the real world market and a virual one.
I'm really bad at spreadsheet stuff and don't know what I'm doing, but I just sold some OA LUK (21 scrolls) for 4m ea and some OA DEX (13 scrolls) for 3.5m ea. Both were 30% scrolls.
Project Update: July 24, 2017 TL; DR Thank you so much for those who are contributing. Things were a little screwy in the beginning but everything is good now. The public guide is getting a face lift. Still looking for anyone who is interested in their own price sheet to share scroll prices. Thought I'd give an update for those who are contributing and those who are using the guide. But first, I would like to thank all the people who are contributing their price data to this guide. Thank you so much for helping this project come to fruition. Once the contributors started sharing their price data all the little bug started to surface. I had to restructure the key components due to an oversight regarding how the lists of scrolls were managed. I have also acquired an assistant who is working on making the price guide more appealing to the eye and all the price sheets more user-friendly. As for the future, there are still a few things that need to be addressed. The scroll list contains scrolls that need to be removed as well as some scrolls that need to be added. The scroll list will soon be managed from a single location so the integrity of the list is maintained throughout all the personal price sheets and the price guide. If anyone is interested in contributing price data to this price guide, just PM me and I will assign you a price sheet. The more contributors, the bigger the sample of data. The bigger the sample, the more accurate the guide will be.