1. Name:Marc 2. Age:24 3. Country/State:Canada/Québec 4. IGN:Sychopath 5. Level:130 6. Class:Bishop 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 3 weeks 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: None 9. Guild History: none yet 10. Ban History: none 11. Your Goal in Royals: have fun with others and train until i become braindead 12. Why should we accept you as an exception?: i'm a nice guy that like to socialize and train so i grow pretty fast willing to leech fellow guild members free of charge 13. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: should be 2-3 days 14. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 8 15. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
1. Name: real name is JohnPaul 2. Age: 26, in old, I know. Been playing maple since the very beginning. 3. Country/State: CA, USA 4. IGN:iroh (old ign was xenn) 5. Level: 25 6. Class:warrior-> hero or paladin 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: since also the beginning but have become inactive a few times. 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have:xenn hermit 71(prewipe was 130-14x 9. Guild History:Classic-Synergy 10. Ban History:never 11. Your Goal in Royals:reach level 200 and boss as often as possible. Upgrade gear to be one of the strongest hero or paladins in server. Also to be an influential part of royals in general and assist newcomers. 12. Why should we accept you as an exception?: Because I'm an old school player of not only royals but maple in general. I'm going to make this my possible very last time ever playing MapleStory so I want to find a guild that is active and pretty serious. The time and effort that went into this thread really drew me in as a dedicated guild who doesn't just take anyone so I figured I'd give it a shot despite my current level being very low. I'm an honest and loyal contribution to any guild I join and I'm always willing to help out guildmates when possible. There is no downside to adding me in. 13. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: Well, being someone who works and isn't able to just sit on the computer all day like I used to it might take more than a week. But I'll be leveling daily. 14. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 9 because I'll be logging every single day at least for shop and some grinding. 15. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes.
1. Name: Rai 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: USA 4. IGN: raiuuuu 5. Level: 164 6. Class: hero 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: around 4 years now 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: raiuu (84), raiuuu (135) 9. Guild History: NIL 10. Ban History: NIL 11. Your Goal in Royals: achieve a high position on the leader boards and be in a community 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 9 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild as a probationary member.Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Marc!!
Your Guardians application has been reviewed and we would like to thank you for your interest in our guild. Unfortunately your application has been denied due to your low level, we strongly encourage you reapply once you have met the requirements.
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Chris!
Your Guardians application has been reviewed and we would like to thank you for your interest in our guild. Unfortunately your application has been denied due to your low level.
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Rai!
Please include question number 8 to your application, list all of your alternative characters you have. If you have any.
1. Name: timemon 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: Thailand 4. IGN: Nemodat 5. Level: 150 6. Class: Bowmaster 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 2 months at around late 2016 and then I just came back 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: Nuncius(crusader) lv 95 9. Guild History: Blue 10. Ban History: None 11. Your Goal in Royals: casual bossing and getting crusader to a hero 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 5 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to the following reason(s): Unstable guild terms plus having an application sent out to a different guild in a very short amount of time.
1. Name: Monica 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: USA/New York 4. IGN: Reignaire 5. Level: 160 6. Class: Night Lord 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Since summer of 2016 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: Masqueraider (185) she's my bishop but I swapped my main to my NL, CIassy (lvl 35 bowmaster WIP), Commette (lvl 55 F/P mule ) 9. Guild History: guild leader of Valiant (the guild is closed now) 10. Ban History: none 11. Your Goal in Royals: Make new friends and boss with a cool family to get to lvl 200. Went on hiatus after Royals went down for the new source. Came back and found most of my friends and guildmates quit. I wanted to restart fresh with some people I've never met before. 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 8 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes!
Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to the the following reason(s): 1. Your lack of experience in MapleRoyals.
Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to the following reason(s): Your lack of experience in MapleRoyals.
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Monica!
1. Name: Joseph 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: U.S./Pennsylvania 4. IGN: Handwriting 5. Level: 142 6. Class: Night Lord 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 3 years 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: Purge (18x bishop), Joah (15x DrK), Hymn (12x Bucc), Surge (13x Hero), 15x BM, 15x Corsair 9. Guild History: Imperials (all 3 years until it became inactive) - I don't like to guild hop. 10. Ban History: None 11. Your Goal in Royals: Only to have fun 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 6 (I work full time in a hospital with days/nights rotation so I log on at odd hours) 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Joseph!
1. Name: Adam 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: Canada / Montreal 4. IGN: Ehox 5. Level: 137 6. Class: Night Lord 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 1 year 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: (Trigz Bishop Lv.163) 9. Guild History: None 10. Ban History: None 11. Your Goal in Royals: To have fun 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 7 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes