removed most of the keys which are useless. still need to take of alliance chat i see. most keys are the same when default. moved npc chat to Y for easy chat to npcs since you can press Y to confirm, to go through npc conversations faster.
Guess the Teleport key. Spoiler Macro 'T': Invincible + Maple Warrior 10 for solo/removing John's bow Macro 'B': Bless + Holy Symbol
I probably have the strangest setup of anyone here, but I use a controller, so it doesn't matter that my keys are in a weird postition :3
Mine is strangely similar... Where did you get your inspiration from? I'll post a pic when I am able to log on
Hmm, the jump, attack, and pickup keys being on F, D, and A is how I had it when I played OdinMS way back, which I think I got that set up from when I used to play emulators before having a controller. As for everything else, I pretty much just randomly decided when I was first setting things up. The skills being on the number keys is mostly just because it's easier to keep track of where to map them on my controller, since I use pretty much the same set key configurations between all my characters.
Oh man I don't remember the last time I saw someone refer to OdinMS as the actual server and not just the source. It's been what.. 9 years since Odin shut down? On topic: No pic atm but the only changes I've made from default MS keys is X = Pick Up C = Jump Z = Main spam skill DFO has burned jump and pick up as C and X into my very soul.
Spoiler: BM Bowmaster V=Booster Q=Soul Arrow Spoiler: NL Nightlord V=Booster F=Shadow Partner Spoiler: BS Bishop V=Holy Symbol Bless S=Magic Guard also Ins(numeric key) for pick up