You're going to find a lot of good places in Ariant/Magatia. I usually stay at those scorpions till 35 or 36 then go to the metal things I mentioned before till 50 or 55.
Currently at level 55, grinding with HS at gs5. gosh per mob hits me about 350+ damage - painful af. Did not wash HP. Tsk. Burning pots too much too.
Both BoT and ME will be maxed at the end. I'd personally max BoT first as ME has no ETA on being fixed. I made shadower before NewSource hit.
Nice pic with mango. Without meso bomb the early 3rd job lvls are hell. Try windraiders, mp3, voodoos, or magatia if you're bored.
i feel ya lmao i've just been pumping points into bot and the levels are coming by quicker now but thank you lmao mango is a homie
As a new CB, I'm still working on my bombing BF technique, but I have a question about normal bombing (dropping mesos in dark sight and luring BF onto it). The issue I'm running into is the fact that BF sometimes doesn't stop to earthquake. It feels like a new source thing, as I have a 17x Hero and IIRC it would ALWAYS stop to earthquake as long as it's aggroed. Is anyone else running into this? BF often runs right into me and kills me, despite being aggroed, when it's supposed to stop and earthquake.
yup bigfoot now behaves abnormally and just runs into you a lot. this is something I believe @Sila mentioned would be brought up to the staff's attention and hopefully fixed - otherwise people who haven't washed to 12k HP will have to come up with ways to avoid tanking it depending on their class.
Anyone know the worth of a 128 att dagger (kanzir in this case), I've never even seen a decent dagger around the market places Is the guide low balling with the 127+ figure as "endgame"? What's everyone else rocking in that aspect? Does a few att even make that much of a difference? Also is there an approximate HP necessary for tanking BF with max MG on? Tired of getting 1 hit killed.
Not sure, but someone bought my 127 15 luk for 1.3b. So my guess is around 1.6b or someone was desparate as hell for my dagger.
Three questions: 1.) Pickpocket vs Chakra - I'd like to see some expanded thoughts on maxing Chakra instead of Pickpocket. The thing is, after experimenting with Chakra a few times for poops and giggles, I came to the conclusion that this skill has no practicality. The thing is, Shadowers are (generally) well-funded, so potions are no issue. As such, when bossing, I can't think of a scenario where a pet HP wouldn't accomplish what Chakra is supposed to do, while both A.) Not losing DPS through having to use the skill, and B.) Not requiring you to be at <50% HP to use it. Now, on the other hand, I realize Pickpocket is not exactly a decent replacement, but worst case scenario, all those extra mesos dropped from Zak while you attack can at lease provide a slight damage boost since there are more mesos there (and someone posted something recently about the amount of mesos dropped being increased, though I can't find where I saw that or if it's even true). I understand that it's a tiny difference and is more or less inconsequential, but doesn't that make more sense? 2.) Assassinate touch damage - Something I've noticed is how Assassinate moves you forwards a bit during the final attack. Is there any way to avoid this? I'm not 135 yet, but I foresee myself using Assassinate and pushing myself into Zak and ultimately dying (Meso Guard + base HP notwithstanding). 3.) Boomerang Step Stun Rate - Does the stun proc have two chances to apply? Like, at max, I think it's 90% stun rate, so I'm wondering if the chance applies for both hits, or if there's a 90% chance for hit 1 and a 90% chance for hit 2.
I think Pickpocket becomes obsolete once you reach 4th job since the dmg is static. You can max it for fun in 3rd job, but personally I'd rather max chakra since (from my exp) the heal scales with hp. As for assassinate you can cancel the 4th hit with bstep, but the final hit always moves you forward. There's no way to stand still, I know it sucks but that's how it is.
In the Meso dropping technique section, It says: Now, you can keep on doing this: Num5 > Ctrl+V (Cmd+V for Mac) > Num5 to drop a bag of mesos. You can repeat this. Another way is to keep Ctrl + V pressed and spam click Num5; however, not all keyboards will be able to do this. Check if yours does. My keyboard doesnt allow me to hold ctrl+v pressed and spam the num 5 key (+key doesnt work either), The copy will just not happen. Does anyone know a keyboard/Something that will allow me to hold ctrl + v? Thanks in advance :>
You are not alone. I actually opened a Bug Report thread because of this. I set my numberpad keys 4, 5, and 6 to my mouse left click. But when I try to Ctrl + V it doesn't paste it. Very annoying because it makes the consistency and drop rate of meso bags slow and tedious... I hope they fix this because it really hurts the usefulness of meso explosion.
Really liked this detailed guide you have created. Quick question, I am currently level 44 and I was wondering if there is an updated training spot for me to grind and level up.
Its there a way to do Anego s a shadower with out die ? I'll already try this multiple time and i just die.
rip. Now that I think of it, I have never even attempted to solo Anego on shad. Very curious if there is a way besides HP wash and tanking.