just got back from vacation and now i need games to waste my time. used to play extalia back in the days, then played ariesms for just a while. i like anime/kdrama/gaming like every asian person i guess
Remember on that confessions thread right before Extalia shut down and you said you rmt'd 3xx CAD while playing XD haha welcome to royals just so u know that's illegal here too
what the fuck, you still remember that LMAO. yea I know that's before I got banned by Hidden, not because they found out though. thanks mate.
my memory is really bad, so i apologize for that. honestly have no clue who u were, unless your IGN was Miracle aka Hyun????????????????
Nah pretty ssure hyun quit in 2014... my ign was Stink, i was the 242 beginner who to tried pay you polar points to sing migos
Ah, I remember you! nice to see u here. yea i was like wait Hyun, I got you on discord and u play another pserver..
Wait.....I remember your IGN. But can't remember ur name sadly, how have u been! You still play league?
My ign was Saladin, name is Jake. I still have you added on snapchat haha. And noo, I quit that shit with season 6. I've been alright, on my summer holiday in the uk right now, then Im finishing my degree in Poland and getting my ass back over here. You should add me on Overshot, or I will add you
Right! Jake! I remember now. So you're moving to UK later? Nice, enjoy your holidays! I just got back from USA/CA. Should go play League again!!! @ people that welcome'd me, thanks! enjoy your stay yourself.