♜ Guardians Application Form ♜ 1. Name: Huub 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: Netherlands 4. IGN: Elix 5. Level: 136 6. Class: Night Lord 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 1,5 years 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: FascinateX 140, Tyrix 146 9. Guild History: None 10. Ban History: None 11. Your Goal in Royals: Reaching 200 and just spending time chatting in guild chat. 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 7 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to the the following reason(s): https://i.gyazo.com/1c78505fb7d84abd36d4e4a7f339222b.png https://i.gyazo.com/34df4fc4bf135fd8691d85e9290c7deb.png
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Alex!
Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to the following reason(s): 1. Your lack of experience in MapleRoyals.
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Brian!
Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied.
1. Name: Ying 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: United States of America 4. IGN: HairyPits 5. Level: 135 6. Class: Bowmaster 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 4 Months 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: Market , 136 F/p AM 9. Guild History: Generation 10. Ban History: none 11. Your Goal in Royals: Hit 30k per arrow without any attack buffs, Kill HT , do CWKPQ , Lead zak and HT 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 9 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Ying!
1. Name Debi 2. Age:31 3. Country/State Portugal 4. IGN:LoveGoddess 5. Level:28 (atm) 6. Job:Wannabe Bishop 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals:2 days 8. Guild History: ---- 9. Your Goal in royals Pass time with fun people 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
To Debi, Your Guardians application has been reviewed, we would first like to thank you for your interest in joining our guild. Unfortunately certain concerns have surfaced and as a result, your application has been denied. Failure to use the exception form while altering the form used in this application. No history nor experience with Royals whatsoever. Sending out applications to other guilds (even after) sending this application to us. Applying to multiple guilds in a short period of time. Being a very low level. blueHammer.
1 I suppose I left something out and I didn´t even notice, my bad there. (copy past it, I suppose it didn´t copy the entire aplication and I missed it) 1. Obviously if i just started I have no history with Royals as it´s a new server for me and i´ve played MapleStory for many years, thought thats why there are guilds, to help new players. 3.Yes i´m trying to get in a guild, so I send Applications to others, never hid that part. 5. As I stated before, low lvl, new player.
From your application it is clear that you haven't even bothered to read the guild thread you were applying to. Furthermore, sending out applications to multiple guilds simultaneously doesn't look good at all. Feel free to contact me in game, add me to your buddy list, let me know if you need any sort of help.
Same as here, you can add me in game and i will try to help you in anything you need :3 Welcome to royals ♡ Ign: EnjoyHs
Members list updated. I will be inactive for about 1 week, blueHammer @bluehammer is the commander (leader) of the guild for the meanwhile.
Eric, Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to the following reasons: 1.) You are already in another guild with your other character, and that brings forth concerns about how that will affect your potential activities with us on the character you applied with.