Hello everyone and welcome to the much awaited results for the MapleRoyals 2017 Census. If you don't know what this is click here to read more! It is absolutely incredible that over 900 of you responded to this and hopefully this would provide a reliable insight into the Royals community. Spoiler: What job do you mainly play on Royals? No one here is surprised to see Bishops coming out as the most popular main being closely followed by Night Lords The drop off from Night Lords to the rest of the pack is unexpected with over twice the number of the next most popular job - Dark Knights Beginners and Islanders make up the least played characters as expected Marksman, Paladins, Corsairs, Buccaneers and F/P Mages are the least played 4th job characters with the difference between them statistically insignificant. Shadowers which are typically quoted as one of the least played jobs but actually has twice as many votes as those listed above. Spoiler: What job(s) do you regularly play on Royals? (tick as many as you like) When able to freely pick any number of characters we can see a number of similarities and differences to the previous graph. Bishops are still the most popular with Night Lords lagging behind more than when asked about a single character. This can probably be attributed to Bishops being such an important support character that more people will own one that they regularly play but don't main. Both F/P and I/L are now shown to be more prevalent than the previous question showed. This difference is presumably due to their ability to farm and leech as a secondary character. The most popular combinations were Bishop and Night Lord - 56 votes; Bishop and Hero - 29 votes; Bishop and Bowmaster - 16 votes; Bishop, Night Lord and Bowmaster - 16 votes; Bishop and Dark Knight - 14 votes. Spoiler: Do you play Royals in windowed or in full-screen mode? Unsurprisingly, the majority of players have Royals opened in windowed mode which allows easier multitasking and multiclienting. I am personally surprised by the number of people who play in both modes and it would be interesting to see people who voted this way comment on this thread explaining a bit further. Spoiler: Do you talk to NPCs via Left Mouse click or Keyboard shortcut? The majority of players use the keyboard shortcut, which I believe to be the superior method in most occasions but in hindsight I should have put an option for "both". Spoiler: On average, how many hours a week do you play MapleRoyals? Most players play between 1 and 15 hours of Royals every week. It appears that the number of hours play Royal on average within a week follows a VERY loose bell curve (although this could probably be fitted towards it more if the hour ranges were altered. Spoiler: Which channel is your favourite? I actually didn't know what to expect for this one but Channel one wins this by a long shot. My personal favourite channel is 6, which garnered a respectable 67 votes. Channels 15,17,18,19 are statistically the least popular. Spoiler: What year did you join MapleRoyals? The general trend seems to show that the server is growing in terms of number of people joining per year. When accounting for the rest of 2017, the number of people joining is statistically indistinguishable from 2016. The lack of a rise in number of new members between 2016 and 2017 can probably be attributed to problems with New Source, in particular the period where new members could not join the server. Note: This data has inherent bias as players who joined more recently are more likely to be active and therefore responded to this survey. Spoiler: How old are you? As expected the majority of players are between the ages of 19 and 24. This corresponds to being between 10 and 14 years of age when v0.62 of MapleStory was released. Spoiler: To which gender do you most identify? I'm sure absolutely no one is surprised to see that the vast majority of players identify as male. However, this is definitive proof that there are players that identify as female on the server. There is no real statistical difference between the number of players most identifying as transgender female or transgender male. Spoiler: Which continent do you live on? The majority of players hail from the most populous continent - Asia The tiny sliver of pink that is unlabelled is Africa, coming in with a grand total of 3 votes. #represent Spoiler: Ages of players who play 40+ hours a week Thank you once again for taking part in the MapleRoyals 2017 Census. If there is anything in particular you would like to know, feel free to request it and I will have a look to the best of my ability. (The data is a bit of a pain though) If you would like to have a look at the raw data and do some analyses of your own, just throw me a PM and we can discuss there! I'm Stan and it's been a pleasure hosting this. (And I'm super glad its over.)
Genfer Speaking of which, I'm a bit skeptical on whether people truthfully selected non-binary gender options, or were just trolling.
I voted both for the modes— I will play in windowed mode if I'm using two accounts, however if I'm only using one account I'll be in full mode :^)
With the amount of female characters running around in Royals, I refuse to believe that approx 80% are males. #FakeNews
I feel like a lot more of the guys on the game actively use the forums than the girls, but maybe that's because there's a much larger sample size of us, eh?
Would be interesting to see how much guys decide to make girl characters instead. MMORPG = many males online role playing girls
Most of these don't really surprise me. Still really interesting to know the stats though. Neat idea.
Yeh, someone suggested that at some point and I really wish I had thought of it when I was making this. Would have been interesting.
Cool stats! I play in full screen most of the time, but switch to windowed when chatting, watching a sports game or otherwise when having to multitask. When I'm on focused grinding sessions I'm almost always in full screen though, usually with the game music on as well.. I just transcend into some kind of zombie mode.
How great this is! Good job Stan! Regarding windowed vs full screen mode, if I am multiclienting I would play with windowed screens, but if I'm bossing, grinding or just having my full attention on one client I would usually have it full screened. Regarding the continents division, I was very surprised to see the Middle East was represented with merely 23 people, which I personally know to be far from true counting Israelis alone (what I assume to be the reason is either unwillingness to partake in the pole for any reason or just a poor understanding of English). Either way this was very interesting to read and I was looking forward to it!
There could be a forum/facebook bias of males compared to in game I guess but I'm somewhat skeptical that the skew would be that big.
Both. The original birthday of the server was some time in May/June 2013 (off memory) and then the wipe was in August 2013 (or something.) Memory's a bit fuzzy, getting old.