Updated Application Form & Exception Application Form to include a Time Zone question. Updated Members list.
♜ Guardians Application Form ♜ 1. Name: Matt 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: Canada, Ontario Toronto 3.1. Timezone: EST 4. IGN: Destroy 5. Level: 126 6. Class: NightLord 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 3months 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: N/A 9. Guild History: N/A 10. Ban History: None 11. Your Goal in Royals: To not only play the game but meet new people, develop friendships, and have late night chats chilling in discord when irl issues don' t mean anything xD. I want to obviously defeat all the end game bosses with a guild and listen to peoples reactions in discord when unreal items drop! I enjoy the social aspect of this game, renewing childhood memories, and friendships! My ultimate goal is to make as many friends as I could and have as much fun along the way 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 8/9 School may differentiate this 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
12. Why should we accept you as an exception?: Have a right mindset of a set of goals i need to meet every time i log on, have a very good knowledge of the game and where i can meet the requirements within the shortest time-span i can do. And also have a somewhat good base of equipment/funds. 13. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: 1 week
♜ Guardians Application Form ♜ 1. Name: Derek 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: US/CA 3.1. Timezone: PST 4. IGN: Stingy 5. Level: 165 6. Class: NL 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 1 year, but took a long hiatus after new source update 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: (Drlce, Bishop, lvl 188) 9. Guild History: Lotus, Behemoth 10. Ban History: none 11. Your Goal in Royals: To have fun and make friends. Eventually, hit lvl 200 and perfect my equips. Most importantly outlvling tatert0ts on my bishop. 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 7/8 (a few hours everyday) 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
1. Name:Justin 2. Age:19 3. Country/State:USA/Military 3.1. Timezone:Central Time Zone 4. IGN:KingJustin 5. Level:133 6. Class:Bishop 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals:3 months 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: 9. Guild History:Trinity Force and Galaxy (Currently in) 10. Ban History:none 11. Your Goal in Royals:To make my new bowman pro 12. Why should we accept you as an exception?:I'm friends with Destroy and I'm friendly and I know how to play the game. I have a base knowledge of where to train, make money, and spend my dough. 13. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?:A week 14. How active are you on a scale of 1-10:8/9 out of 10 15. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild as a probationary member. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Matt!
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Derek!
1. Name:Mor 2. Age:22 3. Country/State:Israel 4. IGN:IVIessi (iviessi) 5. Level:160 6. Job Dark Knight 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals:idk 8. Guild History:Behemoth, Ceruclean 9. Your Goal in royals: Just keep leveling up and improving my Gear. 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild as a probationarymember. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Justin!
Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to the following reason(s): Having an application sent out to a different guild. Low activity level.
♜ Guardians Application Form ♜ 1. Name: Morris 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: Israel 3.1. Timezone: 4. IGN: iviessi (IVIessi) 5. Level: 161 6. Class: Drk 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Idk 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: 9. Guild History:Behemoth,Cerculean 10. Ban History: none 11. Your Goal in Royals: Lol 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 5-6/10 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
♜ Guardians Application Form ♜ 1. Name: Mike 2. Age: 28 3. Country/State: U.S. 3.1. Timezone: EST 4. IGN: PhantomShiva, ZombieSlayer 5. Level: 142, 160 6. Class: NL, Bish 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 1-2 Years 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: 9. Guild History:N/A 10. Ban History: N/A 11. Your Goal in Royals: Horntail and 20atk pgc 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 6 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
To Kai, Your Guardians application has been reviewed, we would first like to thank you for your interest in joining our guild. Unfortunately certain concerns have surfaced and as a result, your application has been denied with the follows reasons: No history nor experience with Royals whatsoever.