Graduated this past May! Studied Engineering, Theatre, and took classes in Business. Now working as a Sales Product Rep, basically I sell engineering products to people.
Architecture. I am currently in the 5th year of my master in architecture program with another 11months to go. It has been 7 years since I decided to be in this field. Time to time still got hit hard by the nostalgia of the wonderful fictional architecture of MapleStory. It is with this nostalgia of the past that helps me remember that life can have meaning and values, helping me to find the confidence and motivation to face the challenges of the future! :3
I'm a business management major in College of Staten Island ( last year gonna be 21 with a BS). Yes, i am Jewish lol. But it is something I have always done and loving doing sales.
Economics... and currently the system administrator (IT) for one of the largest companies in the UK. Yeah my degree sure helped there My dream job is probably to teach English, I've always loved helping people out with learning it and I just love languages in general!
4th year chemical engineering undergrad. I think I'll pull a Breaking Bad after graduation, who knows.
I am currently in my 5th year of a computer science degree. 8 more weeks of placement left and I am finished.
Currently a junior studying Biology and minoring in chemistry. In the future I hope to sling some dope, legally.
Got a diploma in Integrated Facility Management, currently hoping to pursue business or project management, depending on which uni i get into.
Studying Economics and Management ! Finished classes only got exams to give .. Also working at a Business to Business International company's Italy branch in Marketing !