Am I weird for not wanting to job advance my hermit to night lord because I want to be nostalgic and have it be like before 4th job came out? I think NL's are kind of OP and it would be a cool challenge to have an old school hermit get to 200. What do you guys think? Am I crazy?
Im thinking of sometime making a perma hermit without leech and litle to no hp washing. Hermit is what i used to play in ems, and is the most nostalgic class to me, so it could be really fun to make one as a side project and try to solo zak on it or something. Not sure how fun its gonna be as your main character, as you probably wont be taken to any boss runs, but you could always job ladvance later if you change your mind
Now that i'm maxing shadow shifter on my nightlord the game has become terribly boring. just stand at zak or krex holding attack, sometimes you get hit and press your potion button, sometimes you dont have to do anything for 2 minutes. I get so bored i constantly forget to us shadow claw or start daydreaming and die eventually. So no, it's not weird at all, becoming OP removes gameplay elements, and maple doesn't have much gameplay elements to begin with. Challenge is fun.