I know this is a bit old but thought I would post my findings as to where I have been farming lately.... Granted this will be not be entirely accurate (I am a Crusader, not a bishop so takes a while to farm and I cannot kill as fast as a bishop and TP around the map) and I am uncertain if someone posted this finding already but here goes anyways: Level: 113 Class: Crusader Map/Mob: Zipangu: Cemetery Full Of Ghosts/ Coolie Zombies and Nightghosts Mesos/Hour: ~40-50M/h Detailed Explanation (Optional): About 5m in NPC drops (swords 250k ea, clothing 80k+ ea) + 8x 60% cape int (4m each) + 600 zombie teeth These are lower level mobs so they are easily able to be 1 shot. It just takes a while as a Crusader, no AOE and the ghosts flying around can be annoying to hit. The ghosts drop the 60% cape int scrolls at a fairly high rate as I averaged 6-10 an hour. I would like to see what a bishop is able to do but I know luck is a big factor. The map is pretty small as well so you can maximize killing.
Hey guys i'm new (used to play MS during 2005-2008), love Maple Royals so far! I've read the mesos making guide and they talk about how a Bishop is needed to fund other characters. I just wanted to know the impact of just trying to go straight for my Shadower without a Bishop because i really wouldn't have fun playing a Bishop especially just to fund another character I feel it would take a long time to get it high enough level, and then i would have to start all over again for my bandit. I guess the main point of mesos would be end game gear, not sure how much this costs but perhaps someone can enlighten me in terms of difficulty with no Bishop. Lastly, is the fastest to earn mesos through leveling my character up to eventually be able to farm high level monsters / sell leech? Back when i used to play, I did a lot of FM buying low selling high, looking for deals, etc, is this still a thing in Maple Royals or its easier to just make mesos through grinding? Thank you for any replies!
Shadowers are very expensive, if not the most expensive class to play. We mainly rely on our Meso Explosion (ME) to do all of the damage in boss runs. Boss runs itself ranges anywhere from 7M (BigFoots) to 70M (Krex/Zak/HT). Now if you are bossing daily, you can tell how expensive it is to even fund these runs. I, myself, dont have a bishop, but i do have an HS mule. If you were to sell leech, you would make the MOST money from it. But remember, most people look for 1-2HIT leeches, which means getting gear for your bishop will be expensive. It will pay itself off overtime though. I dont boss everyday. I mainly make my mesos through merchant/scrolling/NPC drops. You will never make the same amount as if some1 was selling leech. Youll range anywhere from 20M-30M an hour through NPCing equips as a shad. A Bishop would help you out in the long run though. I just choose not to have one. -Poachin
Thank you for the replies guys, so it sounds like its possible its just difficult. Its too bad it sounds like being a shadower is rough
Just since this got bumped, I want to point out to anyone looking at this thread that the information is from 2015 and as such very outdated. Be careful when using information from the first post.
To the guy above. I started as a dark and it's hard trying to fund without mage. But it is rewarding.
I was wondering, when people are typing down a level, they include something like 5x. this x means any number as long as your level fifty something right? or am I kind of completely wrong. =)
Really nice idea but it's not very useful today as the prices changed widely. Is there a similar guide that's more up to date? I have a bishop that can sell leech, but I hate leeching so badly that I don't agree to profit from doing it Looking for alternatives