Hello guys, first, let me tell you why.. Today i was playing some royals and i realized that i need to fix some skills.. i'm not such an experienced player and i've made some.. mistakes (at 3rd and 4th job), however when entering the cash shop i came across the 'only solution', with very high prices: and i asked myself: why? would not it be interesting to lower this prices? how about an event? i've got a lv.130 buccaneer, and i have no plans to create a new one.. i would like to have a second chance.. and i believe that i'm not the only one, anyway, thanks for reading.
I doubt there would be an event to lower the prices on these. You could always post something in the Suggestion part of the forum about permanently lowering the prices. However, not many people use SP resets. You could Smega about buying NX in order to get some of these. You could just wait it out by voting as often as possible and eventually you'll get there.
TBH if that's doable, then it's for the best. I have no idea why 4th job SP reset is 5 times higher than 1st job's. It's not like it resets more than 1 SP, or 2, or 3. It just... resets an AP SP from the 4th job. Makes no bloody sense tbh.
You are less likely to make a mistake as an 4th jobber than as a 1st job i guess? Dont think a decrease in price is viable since even though it is rarely bought, resets are (i think) actually bought. This would be rather unfair to people who bought it.
Logically, I think that's the intention, or at least to Nexon as a way to earn money. Basically the way they priced it is saying "Hey! If you're an experienced player and still made a mistake, you shall pay the price!"
1) Concerning point about experience and Nexon. How are you experienced if you never been 4th job before? It's almost a completely new ball game with 4th job sp with mastery and skill book system. I know when I first played Maplestory back in the day, I put a lot of points into monster magnet as a hero thinking it would suck monsters all the way off screen at a higher level. I needed to use a 4th job sp reset but I didn't bother because the price was dumb. 2) Then that should happen, if not then Ayane's suggestion makes perfect sense. 3) Guess nothing in the server should be changed or improved for the simple fact that people have already done it/experienced it the old way. Just because some bought them at the high doesn't mean that the price for these can never be changed for the better.
1, experience as in you know more people and know how the forum works. If you are a new starter i can believe that you will just add sp. I assume that if you make it to 4th job that you got some buddies and have been on the forum to read something. Maybe a guide which explains how it works. If you didnt want to read a guide due to trying it yourself, then you have to live with the consequences. 3, things can be changed or improved. I however dont think that making sp resets cheaper is a change or improvement. This because the sp reset is something which helps you if you made an error. This error could be made due to human error, accidently adding a sp to the wrong skill, or due to you not reading up in your class. For the first error, gms dont refund anything which has to do with human error. It sucks but a line has to be drawn. This, in my opinion, is one of them. Second error, you made an error due to not reading anything about your class. Due to this you have to pay a price.
It's one thing to draw a line in the sand but to demand 12k nx for one reset seems a bit steep and is another carry over from Nexon trying to milk as much money from their players as possible back in the day. A more expensive reset that could fully refund all sp from one job advancement seems like a better solution in my opinion. People make mistakes when they first play a new game and to punish them for not "reading up" on their class and following a guide to the letter and thus falling into a very expensive trap that Nexon created seems unfair. To me a big part of the nostalgia of this game was figuring things out on my own like proper stats and my SP placement. I didn't read a guide because I wanted everything to be brand new and for it to truly feel like my character. These mistakes were my responsibility and so was not being informed enough to know better but I would say that this still doesn't justify the vast increase in price considering a player can only get 8k nx a day.
Take it from someone who is on the path to use 1m NX to reset 4 charges (on my pally), they really honestly should be cheaper. I wanna say there's a client limitation is how the SP reset works so they can't be "universal" (also prevents people from resetting 1 job into another). That said, if they were all 3k, or if there was a bundled -total- reset at a fair price, it would be a lot more appealing. Kind of nuts that it's either remake or dedicate 2-5 months of NX.