MapleRoyalschool MapleRyoalschool is a school themed Maple series featuring MapleRoyals players, episodes are built from somewhat short scenes mostly humoristic. Episode 1 MapleRoyalschool featuring so far; Chubbbs - (Winnie) Yunnieee - (Yunnie) Rotem39 - (Rotem/Troy in the series) Blockygirl - (Lisette) M3gumim - (Fei) Winteres - (Nadav) I will continue updating this thread so make sure to check it once in a while if you're interested in the series!
Thank you Rotem39 for your time and effort making this video featuring us <3 ! Great job ! I like f3 too much ! Thanks Winnie for asking me join ya <3 ! I Can't wait for next episode
this video is cool but the whole time video was just zoomed on some QT grill characters faces doing emotes.... can we get less boring romances? i want to see ACTION and even some character casualties in the next episode!!!!!!!
That was amazing. Literally laughed out loud several times. x'D Keep up the amazing work you mint chocolate chip!