Hello all, So I've been on the hunt for a black umbrella, which to my knowledge comes currently from only 2 placed. 1st being dropped from Male Boss, and 2nd being from Ellinia Gachapon. Based on multiple sources, Leprechaun's are supposed to be a 3rd option to obtain them. I've asked numerous times as to why the Black Umbrella is not on the Leprechaun loot table, and have never received an answer, and found myself today at Male Boss in Showa town on my DK seeing how long it would take to find said item from Male Boss to see if it's reasonable to farm on my ironman, and ultimately trying to find one for my lukless priest as well. Turns out the spawn rate for Male Boss is abysmal, only 1 spawns in Showa Street 3, and to my experience, his drop rate is akin to a normal enemy drop rate. After 30 minutes of farming one by one, I only encountered 1 equip drop from him, being the Morning Star 2-Handed Mace, so trying to farm this on my ironman (Lukless F/P Wizard) is basically out of the question. That leaves me to be at the mercy of the RNG of gachapon, which my luck is terrible and I doubt I will ever obtain it from there, at least within a reasonable timeline. I couldn't find another other posts on the forum regarding why it's missing from the Leprechaun loot table, and can't imagine why it would be a problem to put it in there (as it should be). Please let me know what you think. [Edit] If you're going to vote no, explain why you think so.
Too much of a hassle to be honest. I wouldn't code it in if I were the dev, lol. Why not just hunt lv64 Maple staff from red slime? Lower level and stats requirement, and can be sold for few hundred thousands of meso instead of 1.
I voted no because, well @MoriForest said it. I think your ironman (f/p?) can't use spell booster with black umbrella anyways.
My reasoning is the item is supposed to be on the drop table anyways, so that still leaves the question why was it removed/not coded in to begin with? For my ironman I have a rule for no maple weapons, and trying to stay away from the level 70 ele wands, which is why I was looking for the umbrella instead. Using mist doesn't really matter I can't use spell booster, and once I hit 130 I'm going to get an Ele Wand 5. Still, see my reasoning above.
No idea why it was left out, whether intentional or unintentional, but if I had to guess it was probably an oversight, lol . But if you're mist training anyway, why not just save yourself trouble and use lv8 wooden wand? The poison will do the job for you... Save yourself the trouble, lol.
As I stated in OP, lookin for one for my priest as well, as ele wands are useless for him. Figured black umbrella would be a good substitute in the meantime.
elewands dont have penelty for priest/bishop on this server in other words basically every priest uses either that or the maple pyrope/maple staff/wand
Thing is, I don't want to use ele wands, pyrope items are costly and inefficient, and i'd rather use something other than Shine wand or Wisdom Staff. I don't like the argument you're using of "these work so don't fix the broken thing."
im sorry i didn't intend my previous post as an arguement against your proposal. From your previous post it seemed to me as if you were under the impression that ewands have penelty for bishops on this server, just wanted to clear that up. What makes you think its broken and not intended there are multiple things on this server especially in drop table that is not the same as in gms or hidden street.
That's the thing, I've asked for clarification as to why it's not there, and haven't received any reasoning for it. Be it an oversight, or a deliberate removal of the item, it just seems silly to do so. My wording for "it's broken" is the fact it's supposed to be in the drop table, but isn't, hence being broken. I have noticed a few items not being consistent with GMS drop tables, such as Pig's Head dropping from Bigfoot. If any mod/dev would like to comment on this, it would be appreciated.
Lmao, shouldn't an ironman be saying "Thanks for the offer, but I can't accept it because of ironman rules" instead of "dat MA"?
The reason why some drops do not match what is stated on http://bbb.hidden-street.net/ is because their data is obtained from contributors and not sourced from legitimate Nexon data files. Our drop table is from a combination of OdinMS drops, leaked BMS data files and Monster Book wz data. However the BMS data is too old and doesn't include Crimsonwood mobs, and for whatever reason Nexon never added Crimsonwood mobs to Monster Book, so I can only presume that our drop table for Crimsonwood is taken from OdinMS which I'm honestly not sure how the drop table was sourced. It does seem like the drops are incorrect based on some YouTube videos I've seen of Bigfoot being killed, as it should also drop some ETC's that we currently don't, such as Stirge's Wing, Small Egg, Sunflower Seed, and Old Neck Bone. Additionally I am yet to see a Pig's Head drop in any YouTube video I've seen. So basically Crimsonwood mob drops are most likely not accurate. And since no drop table is available, the only accurate way of updating the drops would be via YouTube video evidence, unless we wanted to trust the multiple community driven databases and other lists available online.
I guess my question is, are you guys able/willing to trust the multiple community driven databases and other online lists? I've been trying to find any videos of leprechauns dropping anything, but every video is just how to get there, and they're all new versions of the game.
Hey @Matt I always wondered about this specific thing, I never had the knowledge about coding and stuff so I couldn't have any idea. Isn't there a way to find out, within the game codes, what specifically each mob drops, and list them? Therefore, you could have your own and specific, and 100% trustfull, list of drops, even with rates (rarity). If so, you could manage to set one of the staff that would have the ability and disponibility for that job. Then make the Royals Library fully working, because we also don't have singapore mobs there.
You would think that people that have contributed to those databases wouldn't lie about the drops, or mistakenly submit for the wrong mob, but it's impossible to know. I would say it's likely that we could look into some of the mobs and consider adding the missing items as long as it's not overpowered. Probably something to look into in the future. Some monster drops are in the WZ files under the Monster Book system, since that is supposed to list the drops that come from mobs after you obtain a card. However it doesn't list all mobs and it doesn't list the drop rates. The drops and rates for a the majority of mobs were leaked by a hacker who obtained access to BMS data (which is also where the majority of NPC dialog and and understanding how some things are supposed to work comes from, although most is in Portuguese). So with the combination of both Monsterbook and BMS you can create a fairly accurate drop table across the board, with the exception to a couple of areas which are in neither. As of right now we are using OdinMS drops which do match Monsterbook and BMS for the most part, however our current rates for items do not match and is something we have worked on in the background for a while now, and is in the process of being tested for anything obvious that has been missed. Once that is done and pushed to live we will probably update the website soon after by using a script to repopulate the website with information from our database. I don't think we would ever publish the rates for specific items on the website though, although that isn't something that has been discussed in much detail.
Great to know that this feature hadn't been forget about. Of course there are lots of more important things to do. Do you have anyone inside the staff who knows portuguese?